I am currently NW2 diffused crown with receded temple. After 3 weeks on RU, here are some preliminary concerns I encountered. I hope we can keep this thread going, so this product review is my contribution to the forum so to speak.
First of all, it's near impossible to judge whether this stuff is working! :gay:
I stress this because my shedding pattern is basically the same after three weeks on K brand RU. My method of application is 5ml of PG + ethanol + 130~150mg RU via semi-vigorous rubbing as suggested by El_Dut once every night. On average, I shed about 20+ hairs upon each application. I also shed about the same amount or less when I apply Spectral DNC L half a hour to an hour following RU before sleep.
I did encounter the mysterious throat swelling that others have mentioned previously during the first week of using RU and let me tell you, when it did hit, you "KNOW" it has to be RU. Anyhow, I actually find it reassuring to feel the symptoms because at the very least, that's how you know your application method is correct and the medication is being absorbed correctly. The problem is when the symptom disappears and doesn't return, and you are left feeling like you are wondering in the dark again, constantly panicking did you "rub it in" vigorously enough? This also raises the question: how vigorous is vigorous enough?
On the bright side, however, I will also share two positive indicators I noticed after picking up RU. First of all, I notice I now shed many vellous or "finer" hairs that I gained throughout the last year with minoxidil. I noticed this when I do a quick count of the hair that sticks on my hand after RU application each night. I'd say I now loose 30% vellous/thin hair and 70% normal hair.
Secondly, previous to using RU, I always cropped my hair short (8mm buzzed) because I had very receded temples and was in fear that my hair will fall out easily if I let it grew longer. After applying RU however, I did try letting my hair grow a little longer all over and to my surprise, most of the longer hair on the crown actually "stayed in position" and didn't seem to be a part of my daily shedding cycle. I assume this is an indication that hopefully, RU is doing something positive to help "maintain" my existing hair on the crown (albeit it's not doing much in the regrowth department yet, as I am still diffused allover on top.)
Anyhow, hope this help!