Starting RU


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Hello All,

I just received my RU (k brand). I plan to use 100mg nightly mixed in 3-4 ml Isopropyl alcohol with glycerin and few drops of emu.

I will use this thread to update my progress with my new new regimen.

Norwood 2.5 receder.
I quit propecia in march 2010.
Used fluridil from august 2010 to present.

Definately thinned out since quitting propecia. Would like to see thickening of existing hairs with RU. If my hair returns to how it was a year ago i will be thrilled.


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awesome keep us updated man! im really interested in RU, im hoping to see alot of success stories before i hop on it.


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if you want to maximize the results, you need to do 2 things:
1) use a better vehicle
2)rub the lotion hard on your scalp..don't just let it sit.

I did some tests with emu oil and it does not mix well with ethanol.

PG is a much better penetrant than Glycerin.

DMI is a very good penetrant when used wiht PG/ethanol.

I use 5% DMI, 30 % PG and 65% Ethanol and the results are very good.

Fluridil is a lot weaker than RU for sure. I stopped using it.

Why did you stop finasteride ?


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I have PG on order along with isopropyl myristate. <- This should be a sufficient carrier along with the alcohol correct?

If DMI is really necessary I will add it as well.

I used finasteride for 6 years and weened down to using 0.25 mg 2x per week. I deceided to give my body a complete break from finasteride to assess what it was doing to me. And what I found was:

pros: definately made my hair thicker, darker and shed less
cons: libido was way down, along with wood frequency and strength.

Didnt realize the sides i had until i completly came off finasteride.

I was planning to resume finasteride, but have deceided to try the topical route,
which is where i am today.


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Is there anywhere that explains in plain terms how to mix RU?

For example, I don't even know what PG is or stands for. I'm aware it's some sort of liquid to mix with the powder etc, but if I'm to search and obtain PG, I'd need to know more than two letters of it.

So can someone either tell me, or forward me to somewhere that will inform me of: What I need to mix with RU, how to do it, and where is the best place online to buy such things?

I remember searching locally for rubbing alcohol and it wasn't easy to find at all, so online sources are greatly appreciated.


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PG is an acronym for the chemical "propylene glycol", which is commonly used in various drugs and cosmetics, and I believe even in some foods. Some people also call it PPG, but I personally prefer the abbreviation PG. It's a clear, oily liquid whose main purpose is to dissolve other drugs, which is one of the main reasons (but not the only reason) it's used in Rogaine; without the propylene glycol, Rogaine wouldn't be able to dissolve minoxidil to a full 5%.

Propylene glycol can be ordered from various companies on the Internet, or you could probably just do like I did, and have your local pharmacist order you a bottle of it. The stuff is fairly cheap, and it certainly isn't a controlled substance. It's pretty hygroscopic (it absorbs moisture from the air), so don't leave a bottle of it sitting around with the cap off! Always keep the bottle tightly sealed!

Some people's skin is sensitive to propylene glycol, and can't use it in topical vehicles; that's the main reason why some people are unable to use Rogaine: it causes a rash and itchiness where they apply it.


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Received my propylene glycol and isopropyl myristate. Now using the following mix:
70% iso alcohol(99%)
25% PG
5% isopropyl myristate.

Add 80-100 mg of RU into small plastic bag. 3-4 ml of solution and apply with medicine dropper. Nothing to report yet. No sides. Will repost back with updates.


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This will be a good test to se if RU can perform, keep us updated WS6-TA and take some photos if you can as a baseline.

Good luck, i've seen pictorial evidence of RU working well before, so i'm sure you can at least maintain, if not better.


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I am currently NW2 diffused crown with receded temple. After 3 weeks on RU, here are some preliminary concerns I encountered. I hope we can keep this thread going, so this product review is my contribution to the forum so to speak.

First of all, it's near impossible to judge whether this stuff is working! :gay:

I stress this because my shedding pattern is basically the same after three weeks on K brand RU. My method of application is 5ml of PG + ethanol + 130~150mg RU via semi-vigorous rubbing as suggested by El_Dut once every night. On average, I shed about 20+ hairs upon each application. I also shed about the same amount or less when I apply Spectral DNC L half a hour to an hour following RU before sleep.

I did encounter the mysterious throat swelling that others have mentioned previously during the first week of using RU and let me tell you, when it did hit, you "KNOW" it has to be RU. Anyhow, I actually find it reassuring to feel the symptoms because at the very least, that's how you know your application method is correct and the medication is being absorbed correctly. The problem is when the symptom disappears and doesn't return, and you are left feeling like you are wondering in the dark again, constantly panicking did you "rub it in" vigorously enough? This also raises the question: how vigorous is vigorous enough?

On the bright side, however, I will also share two positive indicators I noticed after picking up RU. First of all, I notice I now shed many vellous or "finer" hairs that I gained throughout the last year with minoxidil. I noticed this when I do a quick count of the hair that sticks on my hand after RU application each night. I'd say I now loose 30% vellous/thin hair and 70% normal hair.

Secondly, previous to using RU, I always cropped my hair short (8mm buzzed) because I had very receded temples and was in fear that my hair will fall out easily if I let it grew longer. After applying RU however, I did try letting my hair grow a little longer all over and to my surprise, most of the longer hair on the crown actually "stayed in position" and didn't seem to be a part of my daily shedding cycle. I assume this is an indication that hopefully, RU is doing something positive to help "maintain" my existing hair on the crown (albeit it's not doing much in the regrowth department yet, as I am still diffused allover on top.)

Anyhow, hope this help! :)


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Pray, can you share with us where do you buy DMI and how much is the average cost + ship/handling? Much thanks! :)


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I will be starting soon too as soon as I can buy everything. Thanks for starting this thread.

Could someone tell me what DMI is though?


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Throat swelling!! What is this like can you describe it ?

I'm gonna be starting soon and this grabbed my attention .


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Rich78 said:
Throat swelling!! What is this like can you describe it ?

I'm gonna be starting soon and this grabbed my attention .

Sure, bro, I can't speak for others but what I experienced personally felt something like an inflammed throat/ common cold without the nasal congestion. It is a recurring phenonmenon, for example, when I first started RU, I immediately felt it within hours and after sleeping on it, the symptoms went away the next morning. During the night, however, it returned again after I applied my daily dose of RU. That is how I knew it had to be RU and not just some common allergy. I was quite spooked when I first realized this was part of RU's side effect. Nevertheless, I am even more cautious these days because I haven't experienced this or any other side effects within the last week or so. This wasn't significant enough to affect my daily routine but when your throat swells it does make swallowing pills and capsules somewhat difficult.

Hope this helps! :)


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throat swelling can be a sign of angioedema..allergy to something new..RU or anything else in the mix such as PG etc..stress or a combination of factors...

Be careful with that ,you need to have some strong anti-histamines medication ready in case the swelling gets so large that it compromises your airways...and don't hesitate to call an ambulance if your throat swells a lot.

Did you had those swellings before using RU ? did your lips swell too ?

This being said, I don't see any other person mentionning this swelling though, and I read all the RU threads ever posted. this by no means a "common" effect.

I had it but I do know now that it was not due to RU.

The most common side effect if you use too much RU would be temporary erection issues, and other simlar side to finasteride but lasting a lot less longer.


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Thanks Guys.

Also anyone know about ontario chem as a good supplier? Or are they cutting what they get from Faith Eagle and selling it at a slightly reduced price?


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Thanks El_Dut! Yeah, I definitely won't hesitate to call the ER if the situation persists. By the way, I have no previous record of major throat swelling except maybe once or twice during my childhood. So, it had to be RU because if it was a common flu or cold or even allergies (which I have never experienced before with any other type of medication/season) the symptoms would have been different.

What really troubles me these days is that there seem to be no effective method to gauge whether RU have absorbed properly inside our bodies? :dunno: How hard do you ususally rub in your RU, and how can you tell if it has penetrated scalp? Also, where do you get DMI bro? Much thanks!


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By the way, my eye lids also swelled for the first few days when I first started RU! So, El-dutasteride is right, it really could have been angiodema! Nevertheless, these symptoms went away for me after the first week or so, please do exercise caution with RU I guess. What you experience might be radically different from me or other users over the net! :(

I am currently only at Week 3 and I really cannot tell if my eyelids are still swollen after all. Hope you all have better luck than I did...


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you can get DMI online.
RU, in ethanol + PG will be absorbed in the skin but adding DMI will be even better. just rub it until you can feel that the lotion has mostly dried out.