Starting To Develop Gyno On Propecia After 2 Months??


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Ok, so I’ve been on propecia for 2 months. I had a mild ball ache the first couple weeks then it went away. So far everything seems good, no sides or anything like that. But I think I’m slowly starting to develop Gyno, I don’t feel any pain or any uncomfort. Should I ride it out, or cut down on my dosage (currently taking 1mg)? Or quit in general since I’m not seeing any results yet.
Hair wise, I’m not shedding but it does look like Im a tiny bit below baseline. Will the results start kicking in around month 4-5?


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No one knows when or if you will get any results but the general consensus is that after 2-3 months it kinda starts having some effect and ut brcimew visible around 6 months after taking it with best time line to see if really works at around 12 months. I am nit taking ut si this is only what I've read. U should consult a doctor for your gyno, might not be gyno.