States of panic = delusions


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People on this thread need to calm down and quit acting like delusional maniacs. Its impossible to find decent information throughout all of the wives-tales and stories of panic.

I see people claim they have lost 75% of their hair when it is still as thick as ever. I see someone shout their meds are working then claim their hairloss is not due to male pattern baldness an hour later. I see people get excited with full temple regrowth when their hair looks the same. I see people become overjoyed that they made a "full recovery" after being on finasteride for two weeks. I see people who say all their hair grew back from not shampooing or quiting exercise routines.

I would say most threads these days on this forum are by delusional maniacs who cannot think straight or be honest with themselves. Its starting to get annoying.

Its pretty damn obvious that most DHT blockers will stop hairloss at the hairline and regrow in back. Dutasteride may give a little bit of hairline back. Rogaine is needed for some real regrowth, and all of these treatments take about a year to work. Moreover, herbs and sh*t don't do jack for hairloss. Moreover, regrowing temples is the most difficult thing ever and usually impossible. People need to realize this when getting on treatments.[/code]


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i back you up dude.

i've been here for months (registered months later) and lately the posts that you are talking about are a big number. So big that the helpfull information is probably more difficult to find.

here very inconstant persons changes the opinion about their hair everyday. Hair doesn't fly or regrowth in one day... relax and give time.. not writing contradiction posts.

When i discovered this forum, i loved the impact of hairloss topic by the fact that many ocasions i felt the same (using cap, miss go outs, fear of people face expressions those who don't see me a long time).. and knowing that i was not the only one was a big relief

but the impact of hairloss topic is taking a bad route...

maybe the admins can open a new topic called whinning/shoutbox.

sorry the english but i had to express my humble opinion :wink:


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This is true, I stopped checking my hair every 30 seconds. I still check it daily, but I don't invest massive amount of time STUDYING it any more.


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Nathaniel said:
A lot of weird dudes post here thats why I love this forum :lol:

WeRd! :D


i think too, there is too much whining and freaking out in this thread. :(

yes, its the impact of hairloss forum, but isnt there any positive impact on your life by hairloss?

at least positve changes should be there.

so much negativity. what should newbies think? if they take serious whats written in here they fall all in depression.

i think hairloss forums had an impact on my life in a bad way. they made me think that hairloss is soooooooo bad... :roll: sure its not the best thing which can happen to you, but still its not that bad. its ok.

go out and listen to people out there , not in this forum. 95 % of all people probably think hairloss isnt that bad. it was hard to believe for me when i first heard some reactions from people that hairloss isnt that big of a deal. thats what these kind of forums make out of us. sad.
umm, i f*****g hate that. i mean there are more solid guys, who dont take it so serious, and thats good for them , but not everyone is that stable.

i mean, nothing against them who whine, they cant something for it, but still its problem, not only for them , but even for someone who reads it...if he takes it the wrong way.

there should be more people on this forum like blondeguy who give great advice. yet he gets complainings about what he says. :roll:

but what can you do?

dont missunderstand me, its no offense to these guys, i just want to make this a better place.


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neo1234 said:
i think too, there is too much whining and freaking out in this thread. :(

yes, its the impact of hairloss forum, but isnt there any positive impact on your life by hairloss?

at least positve changes should be there.

so much negativity. what should newbies think? if they take serious whats written in here they fall all in depression.

i think hairloss forums had an impact on my life in a bad way. they made me think that hairloss is soooooooo bad... :roll: sure its not the best thing which can happen to you, but still its not that bad. its ok.

go out and listen to people out there , not in this forum. 95 % of all people probably think hairloss isnt that bad. it was hard to believe for me when i first heard some reactions from people that hairloss isnt that big of a deal. thats what these kind of forums make out of us. sad.
umm, i f****ing hate that. i mean there are more solid guys, who dont take it so serious, and thats good for them , but not everyone is that stable.

i mean, nothing against them who whine, they cant something for it, but still its problem, not only for them , but even for someone who reads it...if he takes it the wrong way.

there should be more people on this forum like blondeguy who give great advice. yet he gets complainings about what he says. :roll:

but what can you do?

dont missunderstand me, its no offense to these guys, i just want to make this a better place.

Helpme007, can you post some progress pics? You seemed to be doing ok before. Did you shave your head?

p.s. I don't care what other guys think about my hairloss. Its the hot girl's opinions that matter, and they think hairloss is hideous.


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WorldofWarcraft said:
p.s. I don't care what other guys think about my hairloss. Its the hot girl's opinions that matter, and they think hairloss is hideous.

You actually asked a hot girl her opinion, and that's what she told you?


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neo1234 said:
you guys like to call me Helpme007, dont you?

im not him...

I didn't think it was him when it was first suggested as this guy seemed to be a bit more of a wet lettuce but I just looked at the pic in 'his story' and it is indeed him. :) Very funny..


what do you mean with wet lettuce?

and why do you think im him after looking at my pic?

wait, let me see a pic of Helpme007, then i tell you what I think. i saw them but dont remind.


i only found a before pic in the success stories thread. the after pic doesnt show.

show me a pic of him please which shows similarity.

this "im him" is going far indeed. :wink: