Staying at home


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I'm forgoing an opportunity to meet friends at a bar/lounge tonight because I am not sure if wearing my hat is acceptable. I sure am letting my fuckin' hair ruin my chances to enjoy life. Any suggestions?


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Try to be strong and don't let your hairloss rule your life.

I know it's easier said than done, but you have to try. Burying your head in the sand is not the solution.

When my hairloss started bothering me, I started noticing how common it is. Maybe next time you go out, you can look around you and see that it's rather common.


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When I wasn't worried about my hair I never noticed balding in people. The only people that will look at you are other hair loss suffers.

I remember when I was in high school I hung out with a friend that would ALWAYS pick on a kid. This kid had really bad diffuse thinning at like 16, didn't help himself that he put a glob of gel in his hair. Anyway the friend would always call him Rogaine and laugh at him. I didn't really think it was cool at the time. Anyway flash forward 3 months and my friend got a hair cut, like short. He started to gel and spike his hair and he was diffuse thinning really bad too. As a joke I called him Chemo. He didn't seem to be offended, but he probably was. I wasn't trying to be a jerk, though its not like he was that sensitive to other kids and he would always talk sh*t about me too. He used to poke fun at everything I did.

That is a bit of a rant. Anyway I have a shin dig tomorrow with friends, first time seeing a bunch of them with my short hair. I don't expect them to notice the thinning and if they do I don't think they will say anything as they don't care either way.


Experienced Member
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Same exact thing here my friend.

Its currently 4:30 am. I got home from work yesterday and had at least 4 different offers to go out. I made up excuses to everyone and sat on my couch and slept/watched a movie. Now I'm wide awake this early.

Hairloss has taken complete control of my life. I really never thought it would come this far. :badmood:


Established Member
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Wear fancy hats and/or get an hair transplant?

If shaving is not a option. I don't know what to say :/


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My Regimen
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I had the offer to go out and I'm definitely going. After playing 3 matches in a "hobby" soccer tournament today I'm more than ready to go out. I was exactly like you 2 years ago but I got over it.


Established Member
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I did feel like that, but trust me you feel MUCH better once you're actually out.

A laugh with mate, few drinks....troubles melt away.

Sit in doors, alone, bored is depressing.

Make the effort to go out and you won't regret it.


Senior Member
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The above is true, hairloss hit me hard when i came out of denial, but i never let it stop me going out...sometimes i was not in the mood, maybe not great company, but i just got pissed and then i didn't care....worked for me :)


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slept at 10 pm woke up at 11 am and today my hair is a crap.


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Looking at Krist Novoselic I feel that we shouldnt waste time with moaning and crying. Sooner or later we all going to be like him. We might be fat or thin in the future but bald is for granted. At least this day let of negative feelings be away.





Senior Member
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Do you think Curt would have been bald by now?


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So i went to local mall with my brother relaxed and thinking about Nirvana and how they were so cool. And i got a surprise which was good to my self-esteem. I got the attention of two young hot girls (less than 17). So my advice is 'Be Nirvana'.


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When I went out for the Halloween, I had a chat with a nice looking girl who was 18. I personally don't feel comfortable with the idea of going out with someone under 25. If she was a bit older I might have tried to take it further, but I gave up too quickly.


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A girl could be ready for 'relations' at 13, the age of consent is 16 in UK, is it 18 in Amercia?