Stemoxydine Alcohol Content, Should I Use It?

Cuddly Dave

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Hi, I'm new to the forum, been lurking quitely in the background for a while but this is my first post.
I'm currently using only DS Labratories Revita shampoo for my hair loss.
I'm considering using stemoxydine (Serioxyl). I have read into it a lot and understand it has mixed reviews but I'd like to try it as I don't want to use minoxidil or finasteride.
My question/concern is the alcohol content in stemoxydine. I have seen the occasional person comment that the alcohol may cause irritation or contact dermatitis.
One of the functions of DS Labs Revita shampoo is to cleanse the scalp and it's anti inflammatory. Would the alcohol in stemoxydine counteract all the benefits of the Revita shampoo if I used it right after washing my hair?
I guess what I'm asking for is people's opinions of whether I should start using Stemoxydine, or could it do more harm than good?


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Revita is a good product but unless you add minoxidil or finasteride or even stemoxydine it will probably do little for your hair loss.


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Not one reply in a day and a half? Sigh

i know nothing about those products sorry.

i use topical spironolactone and its as alcohol in it (ethanol) i use it every day for 4 months and i have no irritation or damage to hair/skin.
i cant speak for that product though..

Im using minoxidil and having fantastic results.

I respect you not using it but it is a great dug.

Cuddly Dave

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Thanks for the replies.

@hairblues what topical spironolactone are you using? S5? I haven't looked into that much yet. No chance of side effects just using it as a topical right?


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Thanks for the replies.

@hairblues what topical spironolactone are you using? S5? I haven't looked into that much yet. No chance of side effects just using it as a topical right?

I am a woman and my Dr gives me a blend for his female patients that also has estrodial...

I don't have any side effects--i had some side effects from oral thats why i am trying topical

The chance of side effects from topicals is highly debated on the site. I personally don't think so but i am not a man i cant speak for them.

I would spend some time in the anti androgen section and the growth stimulant.

I think most of my progress is coming from minoxidil.


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I have added Serioxyl to my regimen and I get no scalp irritation at all from it. It has a very pleasant odor too.

I've even prepared my own mixture of about half minoxidil 5%, half serioxyl, about 3g of oestrogel, and a splash of Scalpicin (hydrocortisone) liquid. It tends to gel up in the bottle, so I have to shake the bottle to mix it up before applying it via eyedropper. I can't tell how effective it is just yet, but over the past couple months with all the stuff I'm throwing at it, my hair has been steadily improving.


Senior Member
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I have added Serioxyl to my regimen and I get no scalp irritation at all from it. It has a very pleasant odor too.

I've even prepared my own mixture of about half minoxidil 5%, half serioxyl, about 3g of oestrogel, and a splash of Scalpicin (hydrocortisone) liquid. It tends to gel up in the bottle, so I have to shake the bottle to mix it up before applying it via eyedropper. I can't tell how effective it is just yet, but over the past couple months with all the stuff I'm throwing at it, my hair has been steadily improving.
Ruby, it’s been a year now. How are you going?