Steroids after hair transplant


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What is your opinion regarding using anabolic steroids (Dianabol, Nolvadex ) after hair transplant procedure. I am aware of fact that hair extracted from donor area is much less sensitive to DHT and other androgens, so in most cases it never falls out. I also understand why hair transplant doctors recommend to use hair loss treatments (finasteride, minoxidil) post hair transplant, in order to preserve native(non-transplanted) hair which is susceptible to balding unlike hair from back and sides of the head.

So can normal or excessive use of steroids (which rises T and levels of other weak and powerful androgens above normal values) cause some damage to hair transplants (thinning, or miniaturisation) or even some kind of shedding or shock loss ? Are there some guys on this board who use steroids and have undergone hair transplant. I would like to hear their first hand experience.


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Yes, actually I am good at math, and as I pointed out in my original post. Balding hair + Steroids = Accelerated hair loss. But what about Donor hair + steroids ?

Is donor hair totally resistant to androgens or it is just less susceptible to miniaturisation process because it contains less androgen receptors. If donor hair is exposed to huge levels of androgens, would it eventually also start to miniaturise ?


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Over time and I'm referring to the "natural aging process" for the average man, it is not so uncommon for the donor area of a mature adult male to lose some of it's density and/or volume. Typically the loss/thinning is not as transparent as traditionally affected areas. Sadly this is the degrading nature of our aging process I have seen it myself first hand and I have heard hair transplant surgeon's mention this occurrence. If you are predisposed to M.P.B. I believe it is reasonably safe to assume that any growth-hormone (synthetic/natural) agent injected, consumed, topically applied that directly impacts your endoctrine system will potentially cause a negative change or disruption to the present integrity or caliber of your hair. Merely my thoughts. Thanx for sharing and all the best.