Stick with fincar, or go to finpecia?


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I've been using fincar for about 5 months now or so, and I can't say I've noticed it working much. I think I've lost more hair. I usually will cut it up into quarters, and take it for 4 days straight, and then a day off, then another 4 days, etc... I chose fincar to save money, but I'm wondering if I will notice any difference if I pay more and get the finpecia and just take 1 pill a day? What do you think? Im low on funds, so I want to have results, but not spend a lot of money. Are inhouse pharmacy and united pharmacies the two cheapest(and reliable) sites around still?
Thanks :)


fincar is exactly the same thing as finpecia, except 5x the dose. the only difference you'll notice is that your wallet will feel lighter because you are wasting money. just keep cutting it up or switch to finpecia i guess but don't expect anything different.

as for you not noticing fincar working, NOT EVERYONE on finasteride gets regrowth. a lot of people just get maintenance. if you aren't losing any more hair than you can consider it to be working.