Stick with Propecia, will my body adjust to sides?


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Hi All

I basically posted this a couple days ago, but it got into a discussion about whether or not sides will go away after going on off propecia. That is not what Im interested in. I am aware of that debate and am taking it seriously, but would prefer to see if there are people out there that could answer my question with their experience.

So i went on propecia about 10 days ago. Started feeling a little down 6 days in, then depression got pretty bad. Then definite lack of sexual desire, and mild ED (wouldnt get up spontaneously, but could definitely get it up) another day in. I didnt take it today, and am starting to feel better.

My doctor says I should stick with it for another week, maybe go down to .5 mg, and that it could just be my body adjusting to the pill, and therefore my sides could go away.

Has anyway had this experience where the sides go away after an initial period? I would love to hear your experience if so. If your sides got worse, I'd also like to know.

Im also thinking about going off of it for a couple weeks, and then starting again at a lower dose. Anyone have any insight into whether this would be a reasonable idea?

Thank you all for your help. My doctor wasnt too engaged with my troubles, so Im not really sure where else to go. Thank you all for your help. This board really has been a good support in this time.


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If you plan to take it again (not recommended, because even at microscopic doses Finasteride is extremely potent, and any side effects you experienced before would likely return as a result):

- take as little as possible (0.125mg, an 8th of a 1mg pill)
- take it once a week, or at most every 5 days to try and reduce flatlining of DHT surpression, to try and reduce severity of side effects.

Reason: viewtopic.php?p=470097#p470097

Yes, there are many who adjust to the drug with continued use, but there also others who find things do not improve. Just be aware that the longer you take it, the longer you inhibit DHT, a vital male androgen which has roles in the human male far beyond those of making your hair fall out.