Still having a funny feeling...........


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I've been on Propecia for 1 month now and I'm still having a funny feeling in my nuts. It's not exactly a hurting feeling, but just kind of a weird feeling that I did not have previously to the finasteride use. I'm gonna try and stick it out! Has anyone had this happen and discontinue with continued use of Propecia??? I don't really wanna go back to my doctor because he will probably tell me to discontinue the finasteride.


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Hey Viper,

I got weird sensations in my bollocks too, not to mention nut ache which is worse. This kind of spun me out but they went away after about 2/3 months


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stop wearin tighty whitys and go for boxers and baggy pants :lol:

If it's really bothering you then discontinue using finasteride. The boys come first. If it's tolerable then stick it out (not literally) a couple more weeks beofre seeing the Doctor.