still hesitant


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I would really appreciate your opinions. I did a lot of research regarding the choice of hair transplant surgeon but still undecided. I had online consultations with many surgeon and narrowed down my options with the surgeons in Belguim. Dr. ********, Dr. Feriduni and Dr.jean Devroye.

Now I am hesitant between the three and can't decide. I am looking for someone who is very good with beard hair and done many procedures and extractions of beard hair. I am worried about scars and low yield. I will be very depressed if this happen, this is why I am researching a lot as I don't want to regret my decision later.

Thanks in advance.


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I am leaning towards Dr.******** too, but don't want regret my decision and I am taking my time to research.

Also Dr Jose Lorenzo in Spain is in my list. I saw his videos in youtube and pics in his website. He seems talented but sometimes I feel his way to rough with grafts and rough when he implants the hair. Check him out.

I wish you all the best dudemon


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dudemon said:
skotya said:
I am leaning towards Dr.******** too, but don't want regret my decision and I am taking my time to research.

Also Dr Jose Lorenzo in Spain is in my list. I saw his videos in youtube and pics in his website. He seems talented but sometimes I feel his way to rough with grafts and rough when he implants the hair. Check him out.

I wish you all the best dudemon

Beware: on either HRN or hairsite, Lorenzo has a shill who works for him that uses the name "SpanishDude" (who is also the guy that talks MAJOR $HIT about Dr Gho ... which speaks volumes IMO, because I think Gho is legit).

Well I still can't decide. It seems Dr.******** has more experience with beard hair. but I am still hesitant.