Still shedding after 9 months on Propecia - Increase dose?


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I'm almost at the tenth month mark on Propecia, and I'm still shedding pretty consistently. I had been using minoxidil with great success for close to 8 years until I had about a year of constant loss which prompted me to start Propecia.

Anyway, I had two major scalp acne attacks with major shedding at 3 and 6 months and in the past 3 months the areas on the outer part of my temple that I was trying to maintain when I started taking Propecia are now pretty much gone, and the inner part of my temple as well as my widows peak that were fine when I started are now starting to go pretty fast as well. I'm basically shedding all over at rate much faster than before I started.

I will say that my crown's loss has slowed down a bit though, which makes me think it's having some effect there?

I noticed in another thread that someone suggested upping the dose if your still shedding months in on Propecia. I just switched to Proscar, so upping the dose wouldn't be a problem cost wise. I'm just worried a higher dose would trigger a third major shed. For the past month I've been going with .5 to see if that would reduce the shedding/oiliness/acne but can't really say I've noticed any improvement.

I've just added Fluridil in the past two weeks as well, really concentrating it on my hairline. It says it will help reduce shedding in 3 -6 weeks, so we'll see. I tried Topical spironolactone for almost 5 months with no success whatsover.

I really didn't think when I started 9 months ago that area around my hairline that had hair at the time wouldn't have hair less than a year later. I assumed it would grow back thinner and shorter a few times before miniaturizing enough to where you can't see it anymore. But my hair seemed to just fall out and not grow back or grow back so thin and short in one cycle that it just dies again before it can grow. Can it happen that fast?