Still shedding from ORAL MIN after 5 months.


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I still continue to shed form oral min. I hate to be annoying, but anyone with oral min experience plz chime in with your timeline/shedding experience/how long it took to work (if it even worked at all). Thank you.

King Norwood

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I am also on the same boat. How much do u shed a day? Any improvements in density?
Its been 5 months for me too. I do have some improvement in density but i don't know.
What's ur dose?


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Every time I run my hands through my hair, about 2-3 hairs will come out. Density is deff worse. 2.5 mg a day. What about you?

King Norwood

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I was on 5 mg tablets for a month. Then i started drinking an equivalent of like 7-8 mg per day.
I didn't notice much at first because my hair was buzzed.
But now I notice shed. After shower today i got like 7 hairs. But i lose some in the shower that i can't count (no hair catcher). I know its not much but I'm afraid its the male pattern baldness progressing.
I got body hair and hair around my freaking eyes so i know OM is working


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I was on 5 mg tablets for a month. Then i started drinking an equivalent of like 7-8 mg per day.
I didn't notice much at first because my hair was buzzed.
But now I notice shed. After shower today i got like 7 hairs. But i lose some in the shower that i can't count (no hair catcher). I know its not much but I'm afraid its the male pattern baldness progressing.
I got body hair and hair around my freaking eyes so i know OM is working
I’ve seen no new hair yet


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If you were shedding/losing hairs before oral minoxidil, and you are still shedding after oral minoxidil - why would you be surprised? You need a dht inhibitor

If you were shedding prior to oral minoxidil and then your sheds got worser after oral minoxidil, then that’s most likely a good sign and you should continue treatment.


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If you were shedding/losing hairs before oral minoxidil, and you are still shedding after oral minoxidil - why would you be surprised? You need a dht inhibitor

If you were shedding prior to oral minoxidil and then your sheds got worser after oral minoxidil, then that’s most likely a good sign and you should continue treatment.
I’m on dutasteride and RU58841

rapper dude

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I was on 5 mg tablets for a month. Then i started drinking an equivalent of like 7-8 mg per day.
I didn't notice much at first because my hair was buzzed.
But now I notice shed. After shower today i got like 7 hairs. But i lose some in the shower that i can't count (no hair catcher). I know its not much but I'm afraid its the male pattern baldness progressing.
I got body hair and hair around my freaking eyes so i know OM is working
Where are you getting this from, who is prescribing it for you


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This thread freaks me out
I am at a loss to make sense of these, hopefully, only interim failures. I have listed my entire protocols so maybe folks check and see if there is something that I am using that is non-feminizing that you are not. Maybe we need to essentially re-post this thread but ask for oral minoxidil success stories to see if we can find any potential causes for variance. I do think that both min and oral min work better if not much better for females and XY's using HRT meds but there are still many glowing reports around the net.



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I am at a loss to make sense of these, hopefully, only interim failures. I have listed my entire protocols so maybe folks check and see if there is something that I am using that is non-feminizing that you are not. Maybe we need to essentially re-post this thread but ask for oral minoxidil success stories to see if we can find any potential causes for variance. I do think that both min and oral min work better if not much better for females and XY's using HRT meds but there are still many glowing reports around the net.


I'm going to go off on a tangent here.

That's interesting if true. From the experiences I've seen within my own family and friends' families I can't recall of a single women having success with minoxidil (every single one expected immediate results and quit too early), and I can't think of a single male that did not have success with minoxidil.

I know I'm going out on a limb here but I'l be frank, the only times I have ever heard finasteride, dutasteride, RU, and Minoxidil not working for any person has been on the forums. I know so many people in real life that use these treatments with a 100% success rate, although the level of success each one had varied. I've always wondered if there are underlying reasons for this, such as paranoia, imaginary side effects from reading too much negativity online, improper use of treatment(s), etc. It bewilders me how people use 1mg finasteride once or twice a week and blast the forums that finasteride does not work...or people use minoxidil and blow dry their hair immediately, or wash their hair out too soon and claim it does not work. Sometimes the treatments do work in the sense that it stopped their progression of hair loss but because they didn't get the chia-pet growth results they slam the treatments on multiple forums. Or better yet, one of my favorites, they start a treatment and they literally start threads or make posts on a monthly basis that nothing is happening and before the 6th month is up they quit. Some would reach the 6th month and quit. Nowhere is it written where 6 months is the magic number. Most people should see results by around the 6th month. You may not be part of the most, you may be part of the few that should wait further, perhaps 8-12+ months. I remember I started dutasteride and by month 4 I saw results, by months 6-18 I thought nothing was happening. 24 f*****g months later I noticed I was no longer using concealers and could actually use gel and hairspray like I was 18 again. Btw, most are not willing to ride out the side effects. I've had them on dutasteride and minoxidil, but they go away.

There are obviously people where medications would be of no use to them at all but that number is very small, and that very small number is usually on the forums. The vast majority who had success are not on the forums.


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I'm going to go off on a tangent here.

That's interesting if true. From the experiences I've seen within my own family and friends' families I can't recall of a single women having success with minoxidil (every single one expected immediate results and quit too early), and I can't think of a single male that did not have success with minoxidil.

I know I'm going out on a limb here but I'l be frank, the only times I have ever heard finasteride, dutasteride, RU, and Minoxidil not working for any person has been on the forums. I know so many people in real life that use these treatments with a 100% success rate, although the level of success each one had varied. I've always wondered if there are underlying reasons for this, such as paranoia, imaginary side effects from reading too much negativity online, improper use of treatment(s), etc. It bewilders me how people use 1mg finasteride once or twice a week and blast the forums that finasteride does not work...or people use minoxidil and blow dry their hair immediately, or wash their hair out too soon and claim it does not work. Sometimes the treatments do work in the sense that it stopped their progression of hair loss but because they didn't get the chia-pet growth results they slam the treatments on multiple forums. Or better yet, one of my favorites, they start a treatment and they literally start threads or make posts on a monthly basis that nothing is happening and before the 6th month is up they quit. Some would reach the 6th month and quit. Nowhere is it written where 6 months is the magic number. Most people should results by the 6th month. You may not be part of the most, you may be part of the few that should wait further, perhaps 8-12+ months. I remember I started dutasteride and by month 4 I saw results, by months 6-18 I thought nothing was happening. 24 f*****g months later I noticed I was no longer using concealers and could actually use gel and hairspray like I was 18 again.

There are obviously people where medications would be of no use to them at all but that number is very small, and that very small number is usually on the forums. The vast majority who had success are not on the forums.
Thanks for reminding me of all of that. I mean, among the people who post pics on a sustained basis, only Bridge and I have really been able to do this. I think the difference is that he and I knew we were on to something and wanted to tell other people. So he and I were self-selected differently from the other poor souls for whom nothing seems to work.

I keep trying to tell people to just adopt one of Bridge's two main protocols and change nothing. Bridge was a genius but all of the other guys keep changing this and that and switching AA's before they have had a chance to kick in. I have used finasteride and duta since 1998 and the two together for many years and not only did I never had a side, I couldn't even tell that I was on them because maintenance tells no tales and leaves no trails--oh wait, that's what they say about cash, eh, it fits.

I saw one post about a group of guys who all started derma-rolling together and after one year all of them had dropped out except for one guy. Maybe they were right to but how often do we hear: "I would do anything to get my hair back". But then when you tell them what should help, they don't bother to do it because of the "hassle". I am convinced that many guys come on here and Tressless essentially looking for "permission" to give up on treatment and I hereby absolve anyone from chasing hair. Yes I am thrilled but these guys don't want to take min or finasteride for even ten years and I have been plugging away at this for 36 years. Part of the reason for using Goddess Bless is to try to take some of these guys out of the mind-set that G_D wants them to be bald or that the universe is against them.




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I'm going to go off on a tangent here.

That's interesting if true. From the experiences I've seen within my own family and friends' families I can't recall of a single women having success with minoxidil (every single one expected immediate results and quit too early), and I can't think of a single male that did not have success with minoxidil.

I know I'm going out on a limb here but I'l be frank, the only times I have ever heard finasteride, dutasteride, RU, and Minoxidil not working for any person has been on the forums. I know so many people in real life that use these treatments with a 100% success rate, although the level of success each one had varied. I've always wondered if there are underlying reasons for this, such as paranoia, imaginary side effects from reading too much negativity online, improper use of treatment(s), etc. It bewilders me how people use 1mg finasteride once or twice a week and blast the forums that finasteride does not work...or people use minoxidil and blow dry their hair immediately, or wash their hair out too soon and claim it does not work. Sometimes the treatments do work in the sense that it stopped their progression of hair loss but because they didn't get the chia-pet growth results they slam the treatments on multiple forums. Or better yet, one of my favorites, they start a treatment and they literally start threads or make posts on a monthly basis that nothing is happening and before the 6th month is up they quit. Some would reach the 6th month and quit. Nowhere is it written where 6 months is the magic number. Most people should see results by around the 6th month. You may not be part of the most, you may be part of the few that should wait further, perhaps 8-12+ months. I remember I started dutasteride and by month 4 I saw results, by months 6-18 I thought nothing was happening. 24 f*****g months later I noticed I was no longer using concealers and could actually use gel and hairspray like I was 18 again. Btw, most are not willing to ride out the side effects. I've had them on dutasteride and minoxidil, but they go away.

There are obviously people where medications would be of no use to them at all but that number is very small, and that very small number is usually on the forums. The vast majority who had success are not on the forums.
I tell people that when finasteride came out, we were all deliriously happen. Now we had something that we didn't have to rub on but we also had min to help too and 20 years before that, zero treatments. You went bald in silence or under a baseball hair or piece. None of us complained: "you mean I have to use this for life?" No, we were thrilled. No one told us that there might be sides except don't let the wife touch it if in procreative mode, and many of us never had sides.

When I was 20 and noticed my crown, I holed myself up in the dusty university stacks and went through microfiche and found out that essentially nothing worked but estradiol and that shocked me too. I tried to get a scrip but my dermatologist mussed up my remaining hair and told me no. I kept that filed away for 28 years in the back of my mind and pretty much the day that the wife said no more of these children everywhere, I started testing otc menopausal creams from Amazon. Calling it a journey is sort of trite but I find it all to be intellectually thrilling and also like a puzzle without one single solution, which to me is much more interesting than puzzles that can be definitely solved.



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i honestly think it is okay to quit after one year if really nothing happens...
of course something could happen in two years, but im not so sure if that is a general rule...
so far as for finasteride for example i dont see a reason to stop, it doesnt even require work... i can see people stopping microneedling though if it doesnt do anything...