You guys need to stop looking for vids etc about people being negative about balding, its not doing you any good just making you feel even worse, it dont even sound like venting since most vids is people looking for the them, so you wouldnt even come across it had you not looked for it. There is negative people out there, its time you start dealing with it, "why should we its not fair we are bald" you may say, thats true but **** dont work like that, what about me when i HAD hair yet was still mocked? where was my justice? and to others out there dealing with their problems? you cant win against them, but you letting them win by letting them have this hold on you about it, instead of looking for those vids or whatever, use that time for things you enjoy doing, it sounds more worth while dont you think?, i dont want to seem "bossy" and tell people what to do, not my thing, just my opinion on the matter, let it go "easy said then done" yes very true, but you might aswell try, what you got to lose? more name calling? thats life folks, i never wanted people to take the mick out of me when i was younger, but **** happens, noone said life would be easy, take care.