Stopped finasteride and seen improvement?


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Has anyone seen an improvement after making decision to stop finasteride?

There are many of us who continue losing and some more aggressively having been on finasteride 3-9 months hoping that things will improve nearer the 1 yr mark.

Personally at 6 months and loss having been far more aggessive since being on finasteride I am considering stopping still. I feel testosterone has increased greatly during and tiredeness has been bad. I have a much higher libido and this has helped the hair loss. Those who see decreased libido I think it works for them..this is a possible theory as to why its not working for me and maybe some others?

I saw Dietcola stopped new for few weeks and thinks there may have been improvement..possibly there are others that can tell us their experience of stopping for longer.


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Nick4441 said:
Has anyone seen an improvement after making decision to stop finasteride?

There are many of us who continue losing and some more aggressively having been on finasteride 3-9 months hoping that things will improve nearer the 1 yr mark.

Personally at 6 months and loss having been far more aggessive since being on finasteride I am considering stopping still. I feel testosterone has increased greatly during and tiredeness has been bad. I have a much higher libido and this has helped the hair loss. Those who see decreased libido I think it works for them..this is a possible theory as to why its not working for me and maybe some others?

I saw Dietcola stopped new for few weeks and thinks there may have been improvement..possibly there are others that can tell us their experience of stopping for longer.

He said his mood and energy level have improved while his hair looks the same. Stopping for couple weeks wont make major impact to your hair as yet.


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If stopping finasteride caused less hair to be lost then it could show in a few weeks if loss was aggressive while on it..I agree it would be several weeks or more.

Feeling a lot less tired and better concentration tho would be nice .....


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Does this mean no one stopped?

or no one stopped and noticed improvement.

I'm convinced finasteride is throwning hair off my head which would be fine if I was still in firs month or two but its month 6 and this week the brush is full after I wash it..increadibly depressing. I cannot see regrowth or slowdown after this 6 months, in fact its accelerating.

All my hair even at the back feels much finer than it used to as well.

Think i'll have to stop finasteride and see if it stabilises over next 2 weeks..if it doesn't then go back on it.

Whilst hairline for first 2-3 inches has diffused or gone altogether I am so worried about losing my crown which has always been solid...if that starts to go then its the end......I won't even be able to get hair transplant.

Then I have to wait for HM and that could be anything for a year to 5 yrs away.