
Stopped propecia


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Hey ive recently stopped propecia due to some sides such as very low sex drive, extreme brain fog and depression. Ive also had a increase in oil on my face which is very bothersome no matter what i do my face is constantly shiny.. I was on propecia for 8 months and stopped a week and a half ago. Is it normal that im still very oily? Will this go away with time?


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Oily skin is better than dry skin, IMO.

Is it causing any problems other than being shiny?


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Well ive had an increase in acne as well while i was on propecia. Before propecia it was mild to moderate but would now say its pretty close to severe.. Sex drive is coming back which is good.


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Update: its been 2 weeks now and my skin is still extremely oily. And my libido is still pretty low .When should the side effects leave after stopping?


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Update: its been 2 weeks now and my skin is still extremely oily. And my libido is still pretty low .When should the side effects leave after stopping?

depends. Could take weeks, months, years, if ever. Not to scare you but its crazy. My Libido and ED went normal after a few weeks. I had aches down there for a while. My testicles almost started like recede into my body and hug really close to my groin area. Very painful, like someone was swqeezing them all the time.
Im still waiting for that to go fully away but its better.
Get some vitmans, zinc, start eating healthy and get some exercise in. I already did all that so maybe my recovery was quicker but like you I Was on 8 months before any sides.
Did you have any other sides?
Oily skin is new to me. Never heard that but you are screwing with your hormones so I cant see why not.

Maybe add in a few night a weeks where you hit the old net for some stimulus. Sounds wierd but you need to get your body back into those thoughts and I SWEAR by hot baths. soak in a HOT BATH, HOT HOT HOT.


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Update: its been 4 weeks now. My libido is pretty much back. But my skin is still exxxxtrreeemely oily is this normal?