Stopped spironolactone for 3 days and .....


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My sexual drive is back dudes
i swear my sexual drive is around "0" when im on spironolactone
can someone suggest whats going on
i thought that stuff was supposed to be metabolized in the skin?????????????????????????


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Ive suspected a decrease in intensity of my erections, which has resolved itself over time with the lowering of spironolactone dosage. I also noticed more water and weight gain during this period. Ive seen a few people complain of decreased libido from spironolactone, mainly from people who were applying massive doses to their scalps.

There is obviously a metabolite which is not being completely metabolized which is causing these effects. The effects are probably coming from the fact that spironolactone converts testosterone into estrogen.

This guy claims his libido was INCREASED by using topical spironolactone... ... g_id=24947

The only thing i can suggest is to lower the dosage to 1X/day or every other day on a dry scalp.


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It converts test to estrogen... spironolactone is definitely not something you want to be taking with finasteride..

The Gardener

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I'm a big time spironolactone user here... and I mean I use 2%, then minoxidil, then in the evenings another coat of 5% if I have no plans of anyone seeing me. No side effects whatsoever to report. Gigantic erections, thanks mostly to my gf, and absolutely no signs of anything feminizing. Just positng this comment to add in some statistical balance so that the posts aren't all one-sided.


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I notice my eyebrows are thinning since starting spironolactone tropical 2%..and no it's not my imagination. I'm also using minoxidil 5%.

Hopefully they will grow back...


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The Gardener said:
I'm a big time spironolactone user here... and I mean I use 2%, then minoxidil, then in the evenings another coat of 5% if I have no plans of anyone seeing me. No side effects whatsoever to report. Gigantic erections, thanks mostly to my gf, and absolutely no signs of anything feminizing. Just positng this comment to add in some statistical balance so that the posts aren't all one-sided.

You are lucky. Today was the first day in the last 2 weeks I had hard ons.
I havent used spironolactone for 4 days and got my libido back.


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My eyebrows (particularly the left one) had also thinned substantially together with my initial shed from minoxidil, but it has thickened again. I think eyebrow sheds are possible when beginning hairloss treatments.


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kamui said:
..spironolactone tropical 2%..

mmh... Spironolactone certainly can be considered as one of the more exotic hairloss treatments so it was only a question of time for the tropical formulation to appear.

spironolactone is also used to treat Hirsutism since body hairs grow thick under DHT influence but I don't know whether this is also true for eyebrows. Usually eyebrows grow thicker when using minoxidil (there was a guy who even had minoxidil-induced-increased-nose-hair-thickness)

Eyebrow-sheds are unlikely in my opinion....


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Rage said:
It converts test to estrogen... spironolactone is definitely not something you want to be taking with finasteride..

George Costanza

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Ive never heard of sides caused from topical spironolactone, that's pretty disturbing. I hope I'm not getting it in my blood. Nevertheless, everything's been pretty normal for the 9+months that I've been on it. I believe my eyebrows have in fact thinned some since I switched to 2%. But I would attribute this to the fact that I can feel it splattering onto my face when I rub it on my hair.

The Gardener

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Lots of claims on this thread, and no clinical evidence.

Personally, I have had no side effects whatsoever and I use a ton of spironolactone. Maybe your lack of masculine 'hardness' is more a factor of whacking off too much? I'm not trying to be difficult here, just saying that you should be careful before making claims about certain hairloss treatments unless you have isolated that treatment as being the cause of the condition.

Case in point, the post above alluding to spironolactone causing Gyno. Poppycock!

spironolactone topical is synthesized in the scalp. And I have clinical evidence to stand up in defense of this. Do you have clinical evidence to stand behind your claims?


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I also agree ..there is no way a topical spironolactone can get into your blood.

Our skin protects us from UV light and germs i doubt our bodies will let anything through to our blood......

Someones dreaming up sh*t again.

On a related note do you know that if you let c*m sit on a girls lower abs if you wait long enough and the c*m gets absorbed by her skin she will get pregnant?


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blue said:
I also agree ..there is no way a topical spironolactone can get into your blood.

Sure it could. I'd say it's highly unlikely, but it's possible. There's a warning on rogaine saying to discontinue use if you get heart palpatations and a couple other side effects. THis is from the drug being absorbed systemically (I think that's a word). Why would spironolactone be any different?

I've been using spironolactone for almost three months. I've seen absolutely no side effects from it other than a possible shed which I can't honesty say it was from the spironolactone....I've also seen absolutely no results either.


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but you also notice how i said "i DOUBT...... our bodies would let anything through to our blood"

After i started typing i thought about it alittle more .....but the chance of that happening is prolly around that of winning the lotto.


blue said:
Our skin protects us from UV light and germs i doubt our bodies will let anything through to our blood......

Nicotine patches?

Estrogen patches?

Mercks warning against women handling broken/crush finasteride?

Your skin is a SEMI-permeable membrane.


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Rage said:
It converts test to estrogen... spironolactone is definitely not something you want to be taking with finasteride..

Im taking Propecia and I wanna take spironolactone.. pls explain why I shouldnt want to do that pls.

George Costanza

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But regardless of whether or not the solution gets into your blood, the actual spironolactone should metabolize before it gets there. Who knows, maybe a small trace could make it into your blood but you probably wouldn't notice it.