stopping for 1 month


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Hello everyone. I'm new to this site and have a question. I've been using propecia for about 14 months or so and I've been having great results. Pretty much sopped the hair loss. I want to donate blood but was told I have to be off Propecia for 4 weeks prior. I am planning on stopping for 1 month and was wondering if I will see any big differences from this brief discontinuation. Thanks for the help. Great site.


Experienced Member
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I would think you will see some loss.


Experienced Member
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Freeform said:
Hello everyone. I'm new to this site and have a question. I've been using propecia for about 14 months or so and I've been having great results. Pretty much sopped the hair loss. I want to donate blood but was told I have to be off Propecia for 4 weeks prior. I am planning on stopping for 1 month and was wondering if I will see any big differences from this brief discontinuation. Thanks for the help. Great site.

I stopped taking Finasteride for around 5 weeks, and only started noticing hairloss after around the 3rd or 4th week. Although, I wouldn't say the loss was significant enough for me to worry. And of course, the loss of hair immediately ceased upon me once again taking Finasteride. I believe you should be fine.


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Ive been off Propecia for just under a month now after using it for 2.5 months. Do you think there will be a big effect now im planning to restart?