Stopping Gyno


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I was kind-of jumping around the net looking for more propecia related info, since I started taking it about 2 weeks ago. I ran across this site, and noticed all the gyno related problems, with what seems like no solutions.

I'm a bodybuilder, though I'm doing lesss bodybuilding and more just staying healthy now, and I have extensive first hand experience, through myself, clients, and friends, with the whole testosterone/DHT/gyno world.

I've only been reading this board for about 20 min, but before I left, I wanted to impart some important information, just in case the subject isn't covered well.

I've seen some mentioning of tamoxifen (nolvadex) here, but nothing really substantial. I'm not giving advice, I'm just stating what I myself would do, so take that for what it's worth.

Tamoxifen (nolvadex) without a doubt, WILL completely stop estrogen based gyno in it's tracks. The whole purpose of the drug is to block estrogen for female breast cancer patients, and you can bet it does it well. It will not work for progesterone induced gyno, but that's not at all the case here.

While I wouldn't consider using tamoxifen as a permanent solution to propecia gyno (I don't think tamoxifen long term is a good thing), I would count it as invaluable for immediately stopping gyno problems until you can figure out a solution. After all, if you let the gyno problems go, you end up needing surgery.

As a side note, I also think that the FDA should research tamoxifen use for boys in puberty. There is potential there to stop the all too common puberty related gyno. However, a lot more research would have to be done on tamoxifen's effects on boys of that age.

Is tamoxifen expensive, and where can it be found? It should only be about $.50 or so per pill, and can generally be found at most online overseas pharmcies (the same ones you'd get your generic proscar from). Fifty cents for a pill isn't much when compared with surgery. The pills can be halved at first, to see if that stops the problem. If not, a whole pill is needed, but no more than a whole pill (10mg) per day.

Anyway, I hope this helps someone avoid gyno problems.


Senior Member
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good tip man.

I've been on propecia for a while. no sides yet.. 'knock on wood'

but i'd like to see some proof documented somewhere before I take a drug like that.

I too am physically fit. but with my hair loss i dont know what's more important. a full head of hair, or a little saggy nipple.

i hate hair loss.


Established Member
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Can you please comment on beta sitosterol's supposedly anti-estrogen capabilities. I saw that it is used to combat the side effects of an anabolic steroid product, Testabolan. (Scroll down until you see "The third substance is Phytoroid (Beta Sitosterol)").