Strange Thinning In Front/center Of Hairline?


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I've noticed the front/center of my hairline is thinner than the rest of my hair. Now it's always been like this to some extent, and my mom and her mom (my grandmother) also have this thin area, but recently I feel like the area has become more noticeable. I found this odd, as this isn't something I see often among people who suffer from male pattern baldness, and even more odd that two females in my family have it. Could it be a sign of early diffuse thinning? If so, how would one know they are diffuse thinning?

Also a few extra details. I recently got diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency (only have 60% of the minimum of what's considered healthy) if that has anything to do with it. I have also been growing out my hair, so maybe the length is making it more obvious?

Appreciate any input you guys might have, thank you.


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Probably best to show some pictures:

January 2015:



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I wouldn't worry too much about that. I would worry more about those sharp recessed corners that have clearly developed since 2015. In the 2015 shot you can clearly see you were so close to being a perfect NW0 but those corners had just started to progress. Since then they have progressed more. Are you on treatments? You have male pattern baldness so you shouldn't see any kind of thinning at any area on the upper scalp unusual, there is never a set in stone pattern.


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I wouldn't worry too much about that. I would worry more about those sharp recessed corners that have clearly developed since 2015. In the 2015 shot you can clearly see you were so close to being a perfect NW0 but those corners had just started to progress. Since then they have progressed more. Are you on treatments? You have male pattern baldness so you shouldn't see any kind of thinning at any area on the upper scalp unusual, there is never a set in stone pattern.
I am more worried about that, actually have been for the past 4 years haha. I'm not on any treatments, but am planning on starting Nizoral soon.


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I am more worried about that, actually have been for the past 4 years haha. I'm not on any treatments, but am planning on starting Nizoral soon.
Nizoral alone will achieve just about nothing. Your hair looks good though, you might be lucky and keep it.


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I am more worried about that, actually have been for the past 4 years haha. I'm not on any treatments, but am planning on starting Nizoral soon.
Don't get me wrong, you have great hair...the hair quality and density all over the hairline is really good. I am of the opinion that any man who has a 'maturing' hairline technically has male pattern baldness which is why I said that, but thats not to say that I think you will be bald anytime soon, probably never if family history is on your side. Just keep an eye on it. I monitored my hairline from the age of 19 and when I turned 26 I realised that yeah my recession albeit minor was still progressing at a snail pace so that is when I decided to get on finasteride. Keep taking photos and just see how it goes with time.


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Bruh, for the amount of threads you make asking if you're balding just get on Finasteride for a piece of mind. If you're going to b**ch about the possibility of sides without even trying the medication your hair must not mean that much to you.


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Don't get me wrong, you have great hair...the hair quality and density all over the hairline is really good. I am of the opinion that any man who has a 'maturing' hairline technically has male pattern baldness which is why I said that, but thats not to say that I think you will be bald anytime soon, probably never if family history is on your side. Just keep an eye on it. I monitored my hairline from the age of 19 and when I turned 26 I realised that yeah my recession albeit minor was still progressing at a snail pace so that is when I decided to get on finasteride. Keep taking photos and just see how it goes with time.
So I take it then you don't think I'm losing any hair density up top? It feels thinner than usual compared to the sides, but then again I'm not sure if that's just because the way I style it/the difference in length. I can also see some scalp "through" my hair under harsh lighting.

Bruh, for the amount of threads you make asking if you're balding just get on Finasteride for a piece of mind. If you're going to b**ch about the possibility of sides without even trying the medication your hair must not mean that much to you.
Yeah I agree, I've become way too obsessive over this. I try not to think about it much but I still end up thinking about it anyway, not a whole lot I can do.