stress and hairloss


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ive heard that prolonged stress can cause hairloss. ive also heard that it cant. so whats the truth? ive been getting tension headaches from anxiety for about a year. they last for about 2-3 weeks and then go away for about 2 weeks. when i get them my scalps starts to itch and tingle. if it is true that stress does cause hairloss, will the hair you lose because of this grow back if you can eliminate the stress? Ive been on finasteride for about 10 months with no results.


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Yup, stress can contribute to hairloss- but does NOT cause permanent hairloss. Once the stress is gone, hair should regrow. And we're talking in miniature terms here- you *might* lose a bit if you're always worried, etc, - but you're not going bald because you're stressed. You're going bald because you have male pattern baldness.

not me!

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Hair loss that occurs from stress is called telogen effluvium. It almost always occurs in small patches and is caused by a severe stressful event, not an accumulation of everyday stresses. Severe stressful situations (loved one dying, loss of employment, etc.) can cause some or most actively growing hair follicles to prematurely shift into the regression phase, and then the resting phase, during which the hairs fall out easily.

The thing is, there is usually a delay before this shedding occurs ( a few weeks or even months) so by the time the shedding occurs, it is often a mystery as to why the shedding occured.

In most cases of telegen effluvium, the hair follicles will recover and will go back to the normal growth cycle.