Stressed Skin, Wrinkles, Creases From Product?


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i am currently using spectral.dnc.n which is meant to be an alternative to minoxidil and contain something called nanoxodil which is meant to work in the same way as minoxidil.

Well I have noticed lately that wrinkle creases are turning up on forehead and under my eyes and eye lids are getting puffy.

I am 32 years old so I kinda ignored it for a little while thinking it was just my age but i am starting to worry that it's not a natural aging thing and that its all come on quite quickly.

I am using collagen masks,creams and collagen supplements to try and combat it but if they are doing anything it's very mild

Any tips for minoxidil facial aging?


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Niacinamide, vitamin C and Retin A (all topical) habe worked to restore my face after minoxidil damage. I have to apply them every day and night tho which is annoying as f***.


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Niacinamide, vitamin C and Retin A (all topical) habe worked to restore my face after minoxidil damage. I have to apply them every day and night tho which is annoying as f***.

but you still using minoxidil even after that ?


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i am currently using spectral.dnc.n which is meant to be an alternative to minoxidil and contain something called nanoxodil which is meant to work in the same way as minoxidil.

Well I have noticed lately that wrinkle creases are turning up on forehead and under my eyes and eye lids are getting puffy.

I am 32 years old so I kinda ignored it for a little while thinking it was just my age but i am starting to worry that it's not a natural aging thing and that its all come on quite quickly.

I am using collagen masks,creams and collagen supplements to try and combat it but if they are doing anything it's very mild

Any tips for minoxidil facial aging?

Why not just use standard minoxidil?


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Niacinamide, vitamin C and Retin A (all topical) habe worked to restore my face after minoxidil damage. I have to apply them every day and night tho which is annoying as f***.

How well would you say it's worked, and how long did it take to see results?


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My left hand has stronger wrinkles in the palm which is the hand I use to apply it, take what you will from this...


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How well would you say it's worked, and how long did it take to see results?

It took only about a week to see results. I dropped off the Retin-A for a few weeks because I'm a lazy son of a b**ch and then my eyes went to sh*t, so I am back on it now. It looks bad when you first start Retin-A but then it gets better. Be sure to get prescription atrength not OTC retinol


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I ordered a topical with Niacinamide, vitamin C and Retinol in it so hopefully it helps.


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Get timelss vitamin c serum, they make fresh batches, for moisturizer get Cerva and Dermaroll once every 2 weeks using .5 mm Dermaroller. Try to stay out of the sun as much as possible. Astaxanthin is very good too, very high in anti oxident and will give you some glow to your skin and help with uv protection too.


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You’re in your 30’s, minoxidil isn’t makingnyou age faster. Yeah I know about the “collagen studies”. In vitro doesn’t = in vivo.


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Well its either coincidence or its not and could get worse fairly quickly if untreated... do i take that risk?

Another product that i have found to be quite good for wrinkles is Olea vera gel since i think my eye bags have been fairly reduced. while not perfect i think they have helped a little.
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Alex Contee

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You’re in your 30’s, minoxidil isn’t makingnyou age faster. Yeah I know about the “collagen studies”. In vitro doesn’t = in vivo.
I agree with your point on vitro/vivo but I am a recent convert on the matter. I recently started applying foam minoxidil to my receding sides. Within two weeks I developed large bags under my eyes that seem to be filled with fluid. I’ve never had that happen before on liquid minoxidil applied to the crown.


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I agree with your point on vitro/vivo but I am a recent convert on the matter. I recently started applying foam minoxidil to my receding sides. Within two weeks I developed large bags under my eyes that seem to be filled with fluid. I’ve never had that happen before on liquid minoxidil applied to the crown.
My theory is gravity causes it to fall down on the face. Or it's on your pillow. Either way it is the rogaine
However that does bring a good point then if it is the systemic effect or what I mentioned above.


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It took only about a week to see results. I dropped off the Retin-A for a few weeks because I'm a lazy son of a b**ch and then my eyes went to sh*t, so I am back on it now. It looks bad when you first start Retin-A but then it gets better. Be sure to get prescription atrength not OTC retinol

Do you apply retin a under eyes too? I heard its bad for that area. Also I get stingy feeling even at .025 otc tretinion so would prescription strength be good for me? I got pretty bad tear trough deformity in last two years as I was using minoxidil 4 ml for considerable period of time. It gives such big dark circle vibe like I m sooo tired. Could anything help there?

Alex Contee

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Update: I got something called a wrinkle preventing pillow 2 weeks ago and my issue has greatly improved. It's early, but I think Arrade was correct about his pillow theory. I would wait an hour after applying before going to bed but apparently that was not enough time.

For the record I am a side sleeper. Maybe this is not an issue for back sleepers.