strong anti-depressant


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Hi, everyone!

I'm having a major public event which can seriously determine my future life and career in a couple of weeks. Normally, I'm very calm and unworried. And don't take anti-depressants - never had in my life actually.

But this event is really huge and beyond anything I have ever had. And I feel I'm not gonna be able to handle it on my own.

I need strong one-time anti-depressant, which would put me in an appropriate state of mind. Or rather prevent it from being infected by poisonous worries. An anti-depressant which I can take a couple of hours before the event and it'll work.

Any suggestions?


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Hey buddy,

I think Xanax might be an appropriate way to look considering your situation. I've heard clinical professionals prescribing this drug to those suffering from prolonged anxiety and panic attacks. Seems like you might fall into the category ( i.e. preventing "poisonous worries"...). I've never personally taken it, but a plus side to taking this is you can take when needed. Good luck.


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Thank you, ReichAndRoll, I'll look into it.

I might not have made myself clear or used correct terminology... If anti-depressant isn't correct in my situation, then, simply put, I need anxiety pill. But quick-acting. :)


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I've used gold old fashioned Valium for just such an event in the past, it works like a charm too. A word of warning though, take tiny amounts to find what you need to just take the edge off, the last thing you want is to be falling asleep and looking drunk in the presentation.

Anti-Anxierty drugs are actually tranquilisers, they can knock you out (and make you crash your car into trees) :)

If you go and see your GP and explain why you need them, he'll probably prescribe you a small supply (half a dozen or so) which will be just enough for what you need.

The last time I used them was actually for my most recent hair transplant; I have a big problem with needles and the valium just relaxed me enough to be able to have the injections done without me needing to be strapped down.


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asm said:
I need strong one-time anti-depressant
I agree with Seabak, antidepressants don't work that way and not even tranquillizers. What you need is something that increase your concentration span for a short period. The first thing that comes to my mind is caffeine but I presume you suffer from anxiety so this is not a good idea. I know of people who swear to have used DMAE and they have had great results but I have never used it.


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Gemini might be right here. I was thinking of taking a benzodiazepine (sp?) before my next blood test to calm me down lol, but don't do it too often as apparently they're addictive o_O

EDIT -- Oh and some herbs are pretty alright - kava kava (but do NOT combine that with any meds), passionflower, holy basil, and some stuff like that Rescue remedy stuff. Lots of good options I think! :)


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top notch MDMA works a charm. Ive used it before in small'ish doses, not enough to be tripping ur bolox mind you, b'cuz then u just look totally mashed.

There have been quite a few situations where ive used it becuase of anxiety, depression, hair loss, insecurity etc.....

Used to do a line before going out on the town, and although not tripping, i had alot of confidence, no anxiety AT ALL, didnt give a f*** about anything, it takes me back to the person i used to be (not a junkie), then i'd just keep a very small stash of it hidden on me if i needed to `top up`

The only other thing that works half as well as MDMA for me is alcohol, but i need a stupid ammount of it before i start feeling good about myself (around 10 double vodkas n red bull).....but of course, i also look sh*t faced too...... :whistle: whereas on small amounts of MDMA i can actually pull off being sober very easily.

However, i havnt done those sort of drugs since the start of the year, and i find MDMA, or good MDMA nearly impossible to get hold of, so im stuck with being the pissed up wanker at the end of the bar on my own, or a hermit untill i have a good source (or grow my hair back i guess....)


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GeminiX said:
I've used gold old fashioned Valium for just such an event in the past, it works like a charm too. A word of warning though, take tiny amounts to find what you need to just take the edge off, the last thing you want is to be falling asleep and looking drunk in the presentation.

Anti-Anxierty drugs are actually tranquilisers, they can knock you out (and make you crash your car into trees) :)

If you go and see your GP and explain why you need them, he'll probably prescribe you a small supply (half a dozen or so) which will be just enough for what you need.

The last time I used them was actually for my most recent hair transplant; I have a big problem with needles and the valium just relaxed me enough to be able to have the injections done without me needing to be strapped down.

I'm totally the same - I've gotta have a blood test and I know I simply need something like Valium or Xanax or I just won't be able to do it ._. Plus some other lil tests.. I'd rather just calm myself down and make it less of an ordeal lol


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Hoppi said:
GeminiX said:
I've used gold old fashioned Valium for just such an event in the past, it works like a charm too. A word of warning though, take tiny amounts to find what you need to just take the edge off, the last thing you want is to be falling asleep and looking drunk in the presentation.

Anti-Anxierty drugs are actually tranquilisers, they can knock you out (and make you crash your car into trees) :)

If you go and see your GP and explain why you need them, he'll probably prescribe you a small supply (half a dozen or so) which will be just enough for what you need.

The last time I used them was actually for my most recent hair transplant; I have a big problem with needles and the valium just relaxed me enough to be able to have the injections done without me needing to be strapped down.

I'm totally the same - I've gotta have a blood test and I know I simply need something like Valium or Xanax or I just won't be able to do it ._. Plus some other lil tests.. I'd rather just calm myself down and make it less of an ordeal lol

During my first hair transplant, I was getting so stressed over the needles that my heart rate was giving the monitor crazy readings; an hour into the op and my adrenaline (and BP) crashed. I was in such a panic that I was thinking of leaving the theatre via the window (this was in his old clinic in Stratford, on the second floor). I had to have an emergency infusion of Jammy Dodgers and Orange Squash to get my sugar levels back; he now recommends that most of his patients have some form of tranquilliser on hand, just in case.

I really don't like needles.


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Im on sertraline 50mg for depression. Takes about 3 to five weeks to kick in. works like a charm no ocd. Hence why i havent been on here a while lol. I've lost the battle as far as hairloss is concerned and this has sorted me out. If you have tried all the treatments worth trying to save your hair to no avail and can't handle the inevitable. I suggest you speak to your doctor about it and see if he will prescribe you similair medication. If your looking for somhing of a quick fix then go with what the others said.