Studies of Ketoconazole


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Has anyone had good results with nizoral and regrowth?
anyone have any studies?
I bought some today, but its not marketed as a product which helps treat male pattern baldness.
are there any studies that report thhat Nizoral may be effective in the treatment of male pattern baldness?


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There are a couple out there and they have been posted here a couple times. Try a search if you haven't already. Personally I don't think nizoral alone would do much of anything, but is best when used with a solid regimen.


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i did, but they dont have any stats
it just says how theyre like the equivalent to minoxidil 2%

The Gardener

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Youngin said:
i did, but they dont have any stats
it just says how theyre like the equivalent to minoxidil 2%

Pardon my directness, but Minoxidil 2% gives the typical user a 50/50 shot at shitty regrowth. Nizoral HELPS, but is not something I would rely on alone unless you are very very early in your male pattern baldness process.

Kevin fretwell

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nizoral is good because its an anti-inflamatory and it has anti-androgen abilities but I don't use it anymore because I have a much more powerfull anti-inflamatory in my regimen called copper peptide and I also have a much more powerfull anti-androgen in my regimen called finasteride and dutasteride .I wouldn't waste my time on that product if you are serious about regrowth .


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The Gardener said:
Pardon my directness, but Minoxidil 2% gives the typical user a 50/50 shot at shitty regrowth.

Well, can say THAT about EVERY hairloss treatment, not just minoxidil!

Here's that famous Nizoral study for Youngin:

Dermatology. 1998;196(4):474-7.

"Ketoconazole shampoo: effect of long-term use in androgenic alopecia"

Pierard-Franchimont C, De Doncker P, Cauwenbergh G, Pierard GE.

Department of Dermatopathology, University of Liege, Belgium.

BACKGROUND: The pathogenesis of androgenic alopecia is not fully understood. A microbial-driven inflammatory reaction abutting on the hair follicles might participate in the hair status anomaly. OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to determine if ketoconazole (KCZ) which is active against the scalp microflora and shows some intrinsic anti-inflammatory activity might improve alopecia. METHOD: The effect of 2% KCZ shampoo was compared to that of an unmedicated shampoo used in combination with or without 2% minoxidil therapy. RESULTS: Hair density and size and proportion of anagen follicles were improved almost similarly by both KCZ and minoxidil regimens. The sebum casual level appeared to be decreased by KCZ. CONCLUSION: Comparative data suggest that there may be a significant action of KCZ upon the course of androgenic alopecia and that Malassezia spp. may play a role in the inflammatory reaction. The clinical significance of the results awaits further controlled study in a larger group of subjects.