Study: Finasteride effect on erectile muscles


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Mens Rea

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finfighter said:
wi11iam said:
Main Link:
LA Times Article: ... 6750.story

The lowdown of the study is that finasteride has an impact on the penile muscles, replacing smooth muscle fibres with irregular collagenous fibres

Makes an interesting read, I am curious to see the relation between impact of finasteride on rats as in this study compared to humans (considering we share 97.5% of the same DNA).

Wow great find! It looks like some of the reported cases of penile shrinkage and disfigurement are true. The more time that goes by the more of these true effects are discovered, I'm glad that I quit that sh*t!

I can vouch for this. 2 months ago for ages i had shooting pains in my penis (really uncomfortable!). I still get dull pains. I've lost serious girth... ... nswers.htm

That link is a good read.


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finfighter said:
Wow great find! It looks like some of the reported cases of penile shrinkage and disfigurement are true. The more time that goes by the more of these true effects are discovered, I'm glad that I quit that sh*t!

Totally agree dude, I came off finasteride 3 months ago and haven't looked back since. More guys should know about this, that finasteride can actually affect penis size (when erect)!!


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dexter2010 said:
in all animals?

Thats the point, a human study is needed to prove these effects. But Im guessing its pretty similar because all pre-clinical trials are in mice/rats.


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any experiment that after discontinuation the tissues go back to pre finasteride state?

Nashville Hairline

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Is it me or are the negative stories on finasteride now coming (excuse the pun) thick and fast in the mainstream media? I'll be surprised if its still being prescribed in 5 years...


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Yeahhh unfortunately I had a similar thing happen. I took propecia (.5 mg..then eventually dropped to .25 before i quit) for a period of about 2 months. In that 2 months I experienced a cold sensation in my dick and then later on i started having shooting pains in my dick ( i also had problems getting/maintaining erection etc but thats another story). Anyway, point being..I feel like I lost some girth from this..and it hasnt returned (although I am able to get erections fine again and ejaculation is normal) I also feel like i dont get as horny anymore (i dont really have those times where im like OH MY GOD I HAVE TO f*** NOW!!!).

I feel kind of lucky though that I am able to get solid erections (they just dont feel like they have as much girth as before) and still have sex..ive heard guys on here talk about just being dead down there


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Chris87 said:
Yeahhh unfortunately I had a similar thing happen. I took propecia (.5 mg..then eventually dropped to .25 before i quit) for a period of about 2 months. In that 2 months I experienced a cold sensation in my dick and then later on i started having shooting pains in my dick ( i also had problems getting/maintaining erection etc but thats another story). Anyway, point being..I feel like I lost some girth from this..and it hasnt returned (although I am able to get erections fine again and ejaculation is normal) I also feel like i dont get as horny anymore (i dont really have those times where im like OH MY GOD I HAVE TO f*ck NOW!!!).

I feel kind of lucky though that I am able to get solid erections (they just dont feel like they have as much girth as before) and still have sex..ive heard guys on here talk about just being dead down there

how long you stopped taking finasteride?

Mens Rea

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Chris - i had the very same. Shooting pains in the penis and very noticable loss of girth. Not good at all.

I hope you've got the worst over you. You should probably get bloods taken my bet is that you've low free testosterone and either (or both) low testosterone or high estrogen/SHBG. You'd probably benefit from zinc 50mg ED to start with and maybe DIM.


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Propecia said:
Chris87 said:
Yeahhh unfortunately I had a similar thing happen. I took propecia (.5 mg..then eventually dropped to .25 before i quit) for a period of about 2 months. In that 2 months I experienced a cold sensation in my dick and then later on i started having shooting pains in my dick ( i also had problems getting/maintaining erection etc but thats another story). Anyway, point being..I feel like I lost some girth from this..and it hasnt returned (although I am able to get erections fine again and ejaculation is normal) I also feel like i dont get as horny anymore (i dont really have those times where im like OH MY GOD I HAVE TO f*ck NOW!!!).

I feel kind of lucky though that I am able to get solid erections (they just dont feel like they have as much girth as before) and still have sex..ive heard guys on here talk about just being dead down there

how long you stopped taking finasteride?

I've been off finasteride for probably about 2 months now..maybe 3? I was on it for about 2 months (first at .5mg then i dropped to .25 andstill had sides)
Mens Rea said:
Chris - i had the very same. Shooting pains in the penis and very noticable loss of girth. Not good at all.

I hope you've got the worst over you. You should probably get bloods taken my bet is that you've low free testosterone and either (or both) low testosterone or high estrogen/SHBG. You'd probably benefit from zinc 50mg ED to start with and maybe DIM.

I think the worst is over. My erections returned to normal (besides the loss of a little girth which I dont know if thats even possible to recover). My ejaculation consistency and volume returned to normal. I feel like my libido isnt as good as it used to be..i still have sex on a regular basis with no problems but i feel like i dont have those days where im like SUPER horny for no reason like I used to (i'm only 24 btw so..this isnt a 50 year old guy complaining about a diminishing libido hah). The libido thing COULD be stress or maybe just im not THAT into the chick I'm not sure yet.

If anyone has had the losing penis girth problem and recovered I'd love to hear how you did it. I'd like to get my bloods done but, I assume its pretty expensive and I dont have insurance right now or extra money to do it (I'll have insurance in a couple months so we'll see if they cover it)


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You should be back to normal within a few months, it took me 3 months off finasteride (after taking it for 3) till everything was back to normal...I think its partially mental as well, that libido will come back when the fact you took finasteride stops being in the back of your mind...

Mens Rea

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william you cant second-guess these things. People are restricted to their own experiences, after all.

After i stopped finasteride things just gradually got wose and worse. The shooting pains and loss of girth in penis happened 9 months after cessation!!!

Chris, some people try DHT cream. I wouldn't want to experiment too much though if i were you - be glad you've got off lightly


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Scary study. However, these rats were a few weeks old. I found a cite online that says rats reach puberty at 6 - 8 weeks. So the only thing that gives me comfort is that these rats may still have been developing as they were only 9 weeks. We all know finasteride can be devastating to a developing male.

Mens Rea

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Nene said:
Scary study. However, these rats were a few weeks old. I found a cite online that says rats reach puberty at 6 - 8 weeks. So the only thing that gives me comfort is that these rats may still have been developing as they were only 9 weeks. We all know finasteride can be devastating to a developing male.

Forget rats. I can tell you right now that this is true. As can a fair amount of people on propeciahelp.

I agree its hard to believe if it hasn't happened to you personally but i promise you it CAN happen because it definately happened to me. My penis isn't the same, (it's not the end of the world) there's definately been tissue loss/change - it's not as strong and its lost girth.

I have read that since the penis is developed tissue it can return (so long as it hasn't been gone for a sustained period) but i'm not completely convinced. I mean that pain (shooting pains) that i got felt what i would imagine to be cell death. Maybe these cells will return when i restore my natural hormone levels.


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anyone here have performed a Molecular test of androgen insensitivity?


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In my opinion this study on rats does not really prove anything

For example, this would be like giving a pregnant rat alcohol and see if it adversely effects the offspring

Inhibiting a very important DEVELOPMENTAL hormone in a male will has devastating results. Why would they not do this test on mature rats?

However, I do believe this has happened to some men, reading on propecia help that some men's penises began to develop curves from spongy tissue being replaced with collagenous fibers. And from what I have read on propecia help this side effect seems to be less common then the other severe persistent side effects.

Do they usually use juvenille rats? Can someone clarify this for me? Or were they trying to prove something we already knew (administering dht suppressing drugs in developing human males will adversely effect their genitals).