Study: The fatter the heart, the stronger the baldness


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All this is saying is obesity relates to Androgenetic Alopecia which we know. But it doesn’t explain those who aren’t obese.
so basically if u have Androgenetic Alopecia genes. Getting obese will accelerate ur hairloss.


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All this is saying is obesity relates to Androgenetic Alopecia which we know. But it doesn’t explain those who aren’t obese.
so basically if u have Androgenetic Alopecia genes. Getting obese will accelerate ur hairloss.
No! It's about the obesity of the heart! A very slim person may have a fatty heart and an overweight person may not have a fatty heart. In the study, all subjects had a BMI of 29. So they were all overweight! Nevertheless, only those who also had a fatty heart were bald. And the more fatty the heart was, the balder they were.

My thesis:
As soon as the body recognizes that the heart is becoming fatty, it uses DHT to send out messenger substances that make the hair fall out in order to cool the blood. There is already a similar consideration regarding the beard: A study was able to show that the body can cool better over a hair-free area and that the bald head is a compensation for the beard. However, this seems to be necessary only in men with fatty hearts.

Possibly, lecithin in extremely high doses (100 g/day) could degrease the entire body.
Lecithin is a mixture of inositol and choline. It's an emulsifier. Men lose a lot of choline through semen and that could explain the deficiency, which then leads to fatty heart disease.

Women who are insulin resistant also lose their scalp hair! And insulin resistance goes hand in hand with fatty heart disease! When the cells become fat, they can no longer receive insulin or IGF-1.

I'm not sure yet if fat-heart or insulin resistance is the cause or both.


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No! It's about the obesity of the heart! A very slim person may have a fatty heart and an overweight person may not have a fatty heart. In the study, all subjects had a BMI of 29. So they were all overweight! Nevertheless, only those who also had a fatty heart were bald. And the more fatty the heart was, the balder they were.

My thesis:
As soon as the body recognizes that the heart is becoming fatty, it uses DHT to send out messenger substances that make the hair fall out in order to cool the blood. There is already a similar consideration regarding the beard: A study was able to show that the body can cool better over a hair-free area and that the bald head is a compensation for the beard. However, this seems to be necessary only in men with fatty hearts.

Possibly, lecithin in extremely high doses (100 g/day) could degrease the entire body.
Lecithin is a mixture of inositol and choline. It's an emulsifier. Men lose a lot of choline through semen and that could explain the deficiency, which then leads to fatty heart disease.

Women who are insulin resistant also lose their scalp hair! And insulin resistance goes hand in hand with fatty heart disease! When the cells become fat, they can no longer receive insulin or IGF-1.

I'm not sure yet if fat-heart or insulin resistance is the cause or both.
Idk man. Ya saw studies with pcos women. The lean women with pcos didn’t have a fatty heart but the fat women with pcos did. show Me a study that says slim people have fatty hearts.


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It doesn’t explain why absolute fat f*cks are nw0 yet others aren’t.

Hairloss is follicle genetics


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It doesn’t explain why absolute fat f*cks are nw0 yet others aren’t.

Hairloss is follicle genetics
U will always find people who eat sh*t and unhealthy and full head of hair because they do not have the balding genes.

When we focus on studies like this one posted. We are assuming everyone has the balding genes. The idea is to find the trigger for those with balding genes and try to ameliorate the condition. It does not take away from the study. There is enough research today to make a strong statement that those with balding genes who are fat and eat like sh*t will have serious acceleration in hairloss


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It doesn’t explain why absolute fat f*cks are nw0 yet others aren’t.

Hairloss is follicle genetics
Fat people have a lot of subcutaneous fat, which is not only harmless, but even protects against Androgenetic Alopecia.
Lean people, however, tend to have very little subcutaneous fat but a lot of visceral fat that lines the organs. This fat is invisible and can only be detected with ultrasound.
Fat sumo wrestlers are considered very healthy and hardly have an increased risk of heart attack. The biggest problem are people who ONLY put on fat in their stomach and nowhere else. Women tend to have the most fat around their hips and the least around their abdomen, which is known as the "pear type." This fat profile is very beneficial for health and protects against heart attack. Very few women get heart attacks.
Fat distribution plays a much bigger role than total fat! These are new findings and science is in the process of researching them.


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Fatter the heart greater the chance you may have a heart attack. In general getting in better shape is probably good for your hair. Carrying extra weight stresses the body which is unhealthy. If you get really sick you often see even more weakened, unhealthy looking hair.


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My thesis:
As soon as the body recognizes that the heart is becoming fatty, it uses DHT to send out messenger substances that make the hair fall out in order to cool the blood. There is already a similar consideration regarding the beard: A study was able to show that the body can cool better over a hair-free area and that the bald head is a compensation for the beard. However, this seems to be necessary only in men with fatty hearts.

Not sure about elevated (barely) DHT as the cause.
Would propose to check "adiponectin" pathway.

It is supposed to be not a causative, but a correlated relationship. Seems, prone to issues with fat in "epilayers", such epicardial or epidermis (ie "outer" skin layer where hairs sit), people experience hair loss. Potentially negative sex hormones effect is supposed to be compensated by adiponectin or other metabolites. Being not fully "compensated" it degrades, hypothetically, DWAT layer of the skin. Blocking hair follicles from natural cycling.


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Trying to get back with some ongoing notes.

has anyone tied it, topically?
(supposed to revive dwat)

seeing more and more threads/thoughts related to"environment-centric" hypothesis. That the hair follicles environment degrades one way or another: fibrosis, calcification, dermal adipocytes depletion, capillaries depletion etc. In other words, hair follicles don't disappear or die, just "captured". So the potential remedy should be able to revert degradation (and to prevent it, but it's not so critical, if the reversion is achievable) of the environment.

Armando Jose

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Yes,common hair loss is a degenerative process worsening passing the time, prevention better than cure


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Fat around the heart is usually directly proportional to general weight and linked to excessive cortisol (ie. Cushing's, chronic stress). That's probably the linkage.


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don't know if its true that the fatter the heart, the stronger the baldness but actually the moment I started losing weight, my hair started growing back much better
I was fat all my live, and also had this hairless problem, but then I started earning more money, playing on 헤라카지노주소 and decided that it was time to change my awful life:( and it's still the best decision I've ever made
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Fat accumulation around the heart is a case of visceral fat. Visceral fat, in turn, is a sign of metabolic syndrome (metS).

There is strong evidence that metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance are causal for hair loss. I have attached a document to this post which elaborates on this connection and what can be done about it.