stuff is working


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Hi ppl I don't know any of you personally but were all here for same help ; to cure hair loss .. I just want everyone to know first I'm not trying to sell anything here I'm just gonna tell you all what worked for me and some home remedies :) 
so 2 years ago I started to lose my hair from the back and the front of my head.. at first I just shaved my head for months thinking it would grow back and it didn't really work as my hair loss was getting worse so I decided to go to my family doctor. he told me to use minoxidil 5% and I did for about 8 months I'm gonna say that it really worked well for me but I didn't want to be hooked up on it for life so I searched up the Internet to use some herbal products. one thing I came across was Procerin it seemed like it worked for most people and it's a proven DHT inhibitor so I ordered the 3 month supply with the ext foam... I was so happy when I received the package at home thinking this is end of my hair loss lol but honestly it didn't work well maybe it did maybe it was gonna take time but I took it for 3 months and i didn't see any results.. so I did more research and came across this Indian herbal hair oil treatment I ordered 6 month supply. it came in a very professional looking package I wasn't impressed I wanted to see some results.. so it's been about over a month I been using that and honestly I can say my hair is growing darker and noticeably thicker I also wanna point out the other changes in my life I have alot less stress then I did months ago i take 800UI of vitamin D, drink lots of cranberry juice & water, I also take1 tablet of jamiesons stress flex which has zinc and other good stuff and  saw palmetto extract 2 tablets at night , biotin 1000mcg 2 tablets at night, and then 1 tablet of niacin 500mgs to top it off with the flush so I know when it's in its works. I also get more sleep then before and less greasy food. and less masturbation/sex. 
I will definitely post the before and after pictures for proof in few months when my hair grows in few more.
now I'm just going to follow my remedies oh I also do cardiovascular exercises twice a week for half hour its good to increase you're metabolism before you try any of the products for ur hair ..
I'll post here after a month how everything is going check back in mid October..