Styling Products? Pomade? Oil? Gel?


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My dermatologist once told me it didn't matter what products I use on my hair, and it wouldn't make a difference to my hair loss. I have frizzy/curly hair, and have tried sa lot of different product to keep it from looking puffy, to recently discover that simply olive oil or sweet almond oil make my hair look best. I only shampoo twice a week, and in between I rinse it and massage my scalp.

Yesterday, though, a fancy/expensive hair stylist told me that oil will block my pores and speed my hair loss.

Who is right, the dermatologist or the stylist? Any opinions?

Oh, I take 1/4 fincar each day, and use 5% minoxidil as well. As per advice on this site, I just bought some nicorell shampoo.

Maybe an oily scalp will inhibit the minoxidil from being absorbed? Any opinions?

Thanks a lot,


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I don't see how any hair product would speed up your hairloss, its not like you are rubbing the product in your scalp. There are alot of hair styling products out there that do no damage at all when used properly and washed out of your hair...aslong as you wash it out and you don't let it build up in your hair for days you will be okay....

Look up tha garnier fructis thread I made a few weeks ago.. you might find a product you will like that was mentioned in that thread.


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