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Hey guys i still get mixed ideas about finpecia....

I ordered it from a websight that i cant remember i dont know why
but they came in a light brown package in silver tabs and the pills ar ewhite, says finpecia on it and made in india by cipla i know all aobut this company but how can i be sure that this is genually from cipla...

Also i love to wear my hair messy and ever since this problem i cannot do it because i shed way more if i style it and mess around with my hair just running my hands thru my hair makes it fall out it makes me wanna kill myself, i get so pissed. I have tried to use alot of differnet styling products but even the gentler ones do the same thing.... Should i not style fo ra while and do u guys know if after a while of nizoral and propecia will i be able to style again without the shedding??? thanks a bunch guys