Success 3 Years on Rogaine Nizoral - Changed My Life

Z Fighter

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Synopsis: I had massively thick hair in high school, which I was very hard on with hair gel, and color treatments (cool highlights). I was extremely popular, and had had my pick of the ladies. Started becoming more difficult to style my hair. Throughout university massive shedding began, and my confidence plummeted. I exhibited extreme diffuse thinning, but my hair line remained mostly. I became an introvert, wearing hats everywhere, not going anywhere. Having no self-confidence. Started putting the pieces together that it ran in my family. Online forums scared the **** out of me, i came to the realization my life had been downgraded, and I was a shell of my former self. I am extremely self-conscious and shaving my head or accepting it was not an option. I would not be that guy. I tried lots of natural herbal shampoos and eventually added Nizoral. This yielded slight results, but I was still on a slippery slope. This lasted throughout all of university. I missed out on so many opportunities and experiences. I had no idea how I would find a job, not being able to wear a hat to the workplace. I bit the bullet and saw a doctor who referred me to a dermatologist. He prescribed 1mg once daily. He told me had taken it himself, and assured me effects would come from this dosage. I also than started going to Hairclub . The closest one was one hour away. I fell for their bull****, and forked out 2500.00 to join the regimen, of shampoo, vitamins and monthly visits. I eventually realized what a money grab this organization was, and after reading horror stories online, i canceled my treatment, and stopped dealing with hem. I added Rogaine foam 5% to my rotation, and just bought a normal thickening shampoo (aveda). Result were slow and steady, my confidence grew and grew. I landed a job, and could manage the day in and day out without embarrassment. Ladies started paying attention to me again. I stopped thinking about my regimen, or doing online research, I just lived my life.

Side Effects: Increased confidence, slight testicle pain when first starting finasteride which has discontinued. I avidly lift weights, with no noticeable difference in body composition. No erectile difficulties, no bloating,

Current Regimen

  • Rogaine Foam 5% once before bed. It makes my hair a bit greasy so I only use it in the morning sometimes
  • Nizoral 1-2 per week. Adds thickness, cleans scalp
  • Aveda Thickening Shampoo
  • Kerastace Capital Force thickening hair styling products
  • finasteride 1mg once per day
  • Fish Oil, liquid form
  • Protein drinks, post workout and before bed

  • Stop stressing yourself out, reading online research
  • start a regimen and stick to it
  • find a celebrity with hair texture similar to yours, and make him your goal, look at pictures, etc start positive thinking
  • live your life
  • workout , cardio or weights

Pics soon.....


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Looking forward to your pics. Happy for you, man!

You description of yourself and how you look at things reminds me of my self. The girls, lifting, popular, you view on things and how to stay positive.