success, now shedding


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i'd posted this before in the general area, but it didn't occur to me until now that this might be a shedding topic. so i'm coming back with my story:

I'd been on propecia for a good 2 years or so. it helped enough with my crown, but my frontal region was doing pretty bad. i went on a regiment on rogaine foam and nizoral 1% (along with the propecia) and, i swear, i saw progress in a short 3 months. really, the progress was phenomenal. at my rate, it seemed as if i could regrow everything back. by month 4 i was able to toss away my trusty ballcap. so all was good until about 2 week ago (this is about 7 months after i started rogaine/nizoral), which was when i noticed that my frontal region was getting a bit more loose. after much pondering, i've concluded that it can be one of these reasons...

1. i know for a fact that i lowered the intensity of my regiment (compared to when i first started on the big 3). i'd been keeping the nizoral on my scalp for a less amount of time. i sprayed less rogaine on my finger tips when applying. and there was a good 1.5-2 weeks when i didn't have my rogaine (i'd switched insurance and there was a whole fiasco with my meds).

2. while my regiment has helped some of the follicles, there are other follicles that couldn't have been saved in the first place, and are now falling off.

3. i'm going through a shed cycle

I've amped up my dosages of rogaine and nizoral in hopes that i can break this weird slump. what do you guys think is going on? how is it that i've seen such marked improvement, and am now going through a regression? what is my fate?

PS- i live in southern california and my area has just gone through an intense heat wave. i've noticed that my hairloss somewhat coincides with this. it's most likely a meaningless coincidence, but could there be a correlation?


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how much hair you've covered with in these days by finasteride .most of the hairs are in thin condition compare to other hair?

now where ever your falling hairs are in thin condition?