success or not? your thoughts


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i was just curious if anyone else experienced anything like this, and whether its good bad or no news. i used to spike my hair up and totally expose my hairline and wear it really messy with wax. i think i started doing this because when i wore it down my (always) fine hair woudl just sit really flat on my scalp and didn't look good. after 3.5 months treatment, i can't spike it up, it looks terrible and it won't stand up with wax anymore and my temples have receeded some now so it is a b**ch trying to cover that up to look like a normal hairline. the weird thing is, when i wear it down now, it looks like really thick, and it never did before (which is why i spiked it up). if i part my hair in the middle or something it looks kinda bad, but if i just let it fall and mess it up it seroiusly looks thick as hell, but didn't used to. i don't know if this is good news or not? anyone else have this happen? looks worse when i wear it up but better when i wear it down (where this was the opposite before i started noticing hairloss)

i should probably also add that for four years in college i almost never washed my hair because it made my hair really really dried and fried looking so i just kept piling on the wax. (4 years, i hope this isn't what caused my hairloss i would be pissed!) is it possible that now that i'm washing my hair everyday is causing these style differences? both good and bad, should i stop washing and piling on the wax so i can have my old hairstyle back :)