Success Rate Of Hair Transplant On Average


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Depends on number of grafts, what your expectations are etc etc


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I think the "correct" question would be: what's the average YIELD of hair transplant (supposed that you don't go to a butcher dr)


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I agree with WMQ. The yield is the right question to ask. A successful transplant is one that you are happy with. If you are satisfied with an affordable procedure, but have a pluggy frontal hair line then, the procedure would be a success from your point of view. However, I would prefer the most natural looking hair line possible. A natural hair line will be will comprised of only one hair grafts and not be placed deep too deep. Grafts that are placed too deep appears as if a plant is growing out of your head. As far as yielded goes the lowest transection rate I have seen is less than 3%. I strongly encourage you to visit Dr. Cole's website for a natural transplant.


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I think that most modern hair transplants actually come out fine. I see a lot of results posted online and I can spot hair transplants in the real world very often (even if they came out great) and I am generally of the opinion that they helped the person who got them. I think it has a lot to do with expectations and discussions with the surgeon. If you understand what you are paying for and they do what they plan to do, I think most surgeries live up to expectations. When people go in under-educated (without knowing about the likely need for more than one hair transplant, shockloss in donor and recipient zones, protracted time to see a meaningful result, etc) or go to a bad doctor they tend to have a rough time and be unhappy.

Also, even the very best docs out there have some bad outcomes, so remember that no matter who you pick.


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This actually depends upon many factors majorly include:
1. Experience of the surgeon
2. Age factor and general health of the patient
3. Hairloss degree
4. Availability of good donor area
5. Proper Consultation