Hello guys, I really would like some feedback from anyone here. I'm 19 years old, I've always had full thick looking hair. Just a few months ago, like 3 months ago, I noticed my hair was thinning a bit. Then literally a week later I started shedding out of nowhere. It feels like it all happened over night. I had never shed hair before and this really freaked me out. I shampooed my hair and I looked at my hands and bam. Hair all over both of my hands. The shedding was very persistent and I'm still shedding today. It's early December & I started shedding late September/Early October. I've noticed it slowed down a bit recently and I hope it stays that way. But the effects are clearly visible. My right side of my temple area is fairly stable and receded just a bit. But my left side took a major blow and it looks horrific. Also the hair on my sides thinned out quite a bit, more on my left side again. But my sides aren't shedding. Any advice as to what this could be? It clearly looks like male pattern baldness but this happened within 3 months. And my hair was fine just before it started shedding. The pictures show before I started shedding (3 months ago) to present day. Any advice or suggestions as to what this could be is greatly appreciated!!