Sudden intense shedding after minoxidil brand switch


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I've been on the big 3 for 12 months solid now and it's been going alright, slow and steady growth. Very recently though(about a month), I switched from Kirkland liquid minoxidil to Rogaine foam and I'm getting a scary amount of shedding the last couple weeks. My hair doesn't even completely cover my scalp at some spots now, very thin. I apply twice a day, once in morning and at night.

I'm kinda freaking out here. Is this related to switching? Should I switch back to liquid kirkland asap? I know kirkland liquid has ppg in it and rogaine foam doesn't but the active ingredient and from what I understood it wouldn't matter. Anyone else have this happen?


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I had a very similar issue not too long ago. I was using generic 5% liquid for a while with I think was OK for me and this past may/june 2013 I decided to switch to the 5% foam because it is a little cleaner. I started shedding and the shedding lasted nearly 7 months! Sometimes it would be worse than others. It was just recently within this past month that the shedding has stopped completely (knock on wood). I was taking the foam 2x per day but i might go down to once now as I think I shed less with 1x per day.

I don't think I have seen any regrowth up to this point but I am hoping that since the shedding stopped, it will start to regrow. I will continue with the treatment but this was very frustrating for me and my hair does look thinner now. I've been doing some research about the foam and I see sooo many cases of people experiencing lots of shedding specifically with the minoxidil foam. I really am not sure which is better but I do think that the foam is cleaner. What do the hairs that you are shedding look like?

Has anyone else experienced this? I am very curios as well.