Sudden mysterious shed


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Hello all,

I just had a question regarding a sudden shed i just experienced; this morning when i woke up I found almost 200 hairs on my pillowcase; when I usually find like 2 or 3. I know all about the different hair cycle phases and such and that usually each follicle is relatively independent from each other; but is this normal? Is it possible to just rarely shed for say 30 days out of a month or something, and just have 1 day where you shed alot because a group of follicles are on the same program or something?

Allow me to give some backstory that might potentially shed some light on the situation (no pun intended). I am a 28 year old man who, up until 25 days ago had long hair down to the center of my back. I could tell I was perhaps very slightly thinning, so decided to shave all my hair off to get a better picture of my situation (i ended up using a 1 razor on my whole head). Once my hair was short I was surprised to see that I was thinning up top more than I had expected; and thus immediately put myself on a regimen to reverse it. So also, approximately 25 days ago, I started running an hour a day, taking "hair effects" supplements that have things like Saw Palmetto and other potential DHT inhibiters, and Evening primrose oil, which is supposed to promote hair growth (recommended to me by a doctor). Also i started eating gojo berries. Could this change 25 days earlier have result in my sudden 1 day shed? In general I also eat very healthy and am in peak physical condition (martial arts and yoga teacher). Though I don't think it could have a massive effect I also slept poorly the night prior to the night of the shed (5.5 hours instead of my usual 8). Perhaps i was tossing and turning and rubbing my head into the pillow all night; (but i dont know why i'd do that more on this night than any other). Also, I can't think of any overly stressful event or health anomaly that happened in the preceding months.

Can any one come up with any ideas on why this might have happened? I will also keep you posted as to whether this continues or whether it was really just a sudden, one day thing. I know I probably should'nt worry too much, but as I've said; every day of my life i've only ever noticed hair loss that i could count on my fingers; this is a sudden, scary thing. Thank you for your help in advance.


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In addition

I forgot to mention (if it has any bearing); that since the day of shaving my head; my hair seems to be growing at around 1.5 times the normal rate (in 25 days it has grown about 1.5 cm). Not sure if that's relevant (or if that was my rate beforehand), but I figured its worth mentioning.


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It's hard for anyone to say for certain - but the saw palmetto may be the culprit for your shed.

Sheds shouldn't last any longer than several days to 2 weeks max.

Some guys say that using tricomin therapy spray helped keep them from getting sheds - but this might be too late for you to try.

You know what they say - ya gotta ride it out.


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Thanks for replying. I am actually not concerned with "stopping the shed" if its just part of the natural process. What I am basically asking is that could this potentially still be "good" as in just a by product of my regimen kick-starting some hairs growth cycles? If that's the case then I really shouldn't worry about even if it lasts a few days; correct?


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"They say" that the hairs you lose during a shed should come back even thicker and stronger.


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Thanks a lot for the info. If anyone else could provide some input on the matter as well that would be great. Thanks again.


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Next day

Okay so I checked my pillow the next morning and I found perhaps 30 hairs (really looking hard), 10 of which where vellus looking. Obviously this is significantly less than the night before. Therefore I can guess its one of 3 scenarios.

1) I was grinding my head into my pillow like mad for unknown reasons the other night.

2) I stupidly just didn't notice hairs piling up from previous nights

3) I had some freakish 1 day shed; has anyone ever heard of this?

Thats my update; comment if ya can. Thank.


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Update on the situation: I got a satin pillowcase last night and I didn't notice a single hair this morning; conclusion: satin pillowcases are good.


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So, it wasn't an actual shed - but your hair either breaking or getting yanked out?


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I suppose it could be either way? I mean, perhaps the natural herbs i'm taking caused some slight variation in the growth cycle that led to a few day shed; or that I grind my head like a possessed person at night which for some reason only led to lost hairs if my hair was short short. Any thoughts?