sudden shedding of hair


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Hi all,
Been reading the for for a couple of weeks now, some interesting stories and solutions,
Basically I'm a 26yo male with a family history of hairloss, I have always had thick hair (as in volume) and NW1 hairline.
Recently I started noticing shedding of hair (healthy thick hairs) from all over my head, not on the pillow or clogging up the drain but if I run my hands through my hair I can usually get up to ten hairs after a few passes.
My hairline looks the same as ever with no temple thinning.
I had a traumatic experience(car accident) in july and since changed jobs and ended up working in a very cold dry climate with a lack of fresh fruit and veg and only distilled water for drinking ( Antarctica ), tis when I started noticing the loss, I suppose I have never really been looking before that, so cannot really establish a baseline. The shedding has not really stopped since I have been back (a couple weeks), If I have proper scalp rub I could probably get 50 hairs.
I am very worried about this hairloss and don't think a shaved head would suit me.

Anyway I would like to start treatment early to avoid any further loss, however I'm not sure about starting propecia yet, a I don't want to make the problem worse if its not male pattern baldness related and possibly endure the side effects,
Just looking for the opinions of the community.



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Welcome Somersetsparks, If you have not had your hair loss issue properly diagnosed, please schedule an appointment with a qualified and respected professional as soon as you can. If it is truly Androgenetic Alopecia or more commonly named male pattern baldness, propecia and minoxidil are still the only medically accepted defenses that have any substantiated value or benefit. There are some members here that are experiencing success with other chemicals that are not yet officially recognized as safe or effective treatments (at least here in the U.S.) that I would be reluctant to suggest to you at this stage of the game. Get it checked out and we will go from there. Thanx for sharing and all the best.