

New Member
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Ive had a high hairline since birth which look like a inverted norwood 3. It has bothered me since grade school being a constant thing that separates me from others. People used to look at me horribly when I kept my hair short since I was 10 yrs old. It look like a damm mountain or a dome. Right now im starting college and I feel I cant take it anymore. The costs of hair transplant for a college student arent affordable and I cant pay up because of all the items I need for college. I feel this problem is not going away and everday. I feel left out and put side because of this. Sometimes I feel like I could just imagine things get better but it hasnt. Growing hair long is so artifical and I feel fake hiding my hairline but at the same time it has to be done. I dont know but I feel like im in the 99th percentile of feeling like sh*t.


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My Regimen
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All I can say is that I'm glad I don't live in the US. I have always had ridiculously high hairline but I have never been teased about it. Never. The ppl over here don't seem to care about such things. If no one had ever mentioned your forehead, would you feel so bad about it?

Here's my forehead:


Hans Gruber

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ive always had a stupid hairline,going much higher on one side than the other,i always got 'you're going bald ' comments from like the age of 12 onwards (when i clearly wasn't going bald,haha yet)

veritas do you have thinning hair elsewhere or is it just the high hairline? if you look into financing or save up then you can end this nightmare of yours! never ever give up cos at the end of the day EVERYTHING can be solved.Solving a problem no matter how hard it is to is infinitely better than killing yourself,stick around here and you'll pick up lots of good info and im 100% sure you'll solve your little problem.


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I had the same problem and grew my hair over my hairline so not many people knew i was losing it. I cut my hair short and people didnt look at me the same. I then tried shaving my head so that you coudnt properlly see where my hairline begins and some people said i suited it. I think high hairlines can add age on some people. Try shaving it you will feel great not worrying about covering your hairline or wondering if it looks wrong. You might get a few mixed reactions at first, but its usually because people arent use to seeing you with no hair, but after a while you will grow to suit it and feel much better.

uncomfortable man

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Look at it this way, at least you have an option. You can grow your hair out to hide it AND ITS YOUR REAL HAIR. At least your not completely bald like me with the dreaded horseshoe. You say people treat you differently. Whenever I say that, nobody believes me. Hating the way you look sucks but what makes it unbearable is the social aspect of it and proof everyday that people DO think less of you. Not to mention all the ways they like to show you that you are inferior to them. Just imagine whatever hell your going through, then crank it up about six notches and then you might get a taste for what I am experiencing. I'm not trying to belittle your suffering all I am saying is if you think you have it bad now, imagine what it would be like to be bald and no its not better, it is worse. Take it from someone who has been in both scenarios. I guess I do have an option, get a piece.


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ghg you are lucky my hairline is one inch behind your's and is shaped in a N shape. Atleast yours has symmertry and has some proportion to the skull. Sometimes I wonder and see all my friends and see them get a haircut every few weeks and feel like im missing out. Friends look at me and tell me to shave and I simple cant respond back. This is driving me to insanity and deep introversion. I cant enjoy and have the fun I used to as a ignorant kid in the past.


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Many people tell me it simply dosent matter and deal with it but its not that easy since they have never gone through this process. Like I have said my hair is extremely high for something natural it is about 1.5-2 inches higher from the 1/3 ratio of Da Vinci's scale. It is not thinning nor do I have male pattern baldness in the family.

uncomfortable man

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Well at least you know it can't get any worse. I could probably say the same for myself but I dare not. At my point it doesn't really matter anyway.


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uncomfortable man said:
Look at it this way, at least you have an option. You can grow your hair out to hide it AND ITS YOUR REAL HAIR. At least your not completely bald like me with the dreaded horseshoe. You say people treat you differently. Whenever I say that, nobody believes me. Hating the way you look sucks but what makes it unbearable is the social aspect of it and proof everyday that people DO think less of you. Not to mention all the ways they like to show you that you are inferior to them. Just imagine whatever hell your going through, then crank it up about six notches and then you might get a taste for what I am experiencing. I'm not trying to belittle your suffering all I am saying is if you think you have it bad now, imagine what it would be like to be bald and no its not better, it is worse. Take it from someone who has been in both scenarios. I guess I do have an option, get a piece.

I work with bald guys, and they go through nothing that you describe.

Are you not just a very unconfident, unassertive person anyway? And that's why people treat you that way? If you said 'I know I'm bald, f*** off' with a smile of your face things may be different.