Summertime - should I start minoxidil


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I don't know if I should start yet b/c I'm worried about the initial shed. I go to the beach a lot an into the water and I don't want my hair to look worse in the short term. How bad of shed have you guys experienced initally and should I wait til after summer to start it?


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minoxidil never made my hair shed, but finasteride sure did.

Not everyone sheds, and some do more than others, so there's really no telling.

Anyway, if you're really worried about it, and your hairloss isn't too bad yet, I think you'll be perfectly fine waiting it out a few more months. :)


I've been using Regaine 5% since february 6th - its pathetic really that I know the date, and I must say I haven't noticed any shedding but my hair is still sh*t. I added nizoral to my routine today - I'm hoping this will aid the minoxidil in some manner. I would have added proscar to my regim but I fear I'd suffer a terrible shed before my holiday in 5weeks time and when I'm trying to get my rocks off probably wouldn't be able to get it up. I doubt you'll even shed with minoxidil.


10 months finasteride/minoxidil/nizoral no sign of any shed as yet.

The shedder

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(sigh), I shed with minoxidil. After being on finasteride for 5 months the temples slowed and then I added minoxidil and the temples started to shed. But I have noticed vellous hairs all over my temples so I guess I may be doing something right. And if you do shed, check the quality of hair, the thin wispy hair should thicken in proceeding cycles.


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I haven't really noticed a shed with finasteride, so maybe I'll give minoxidil a go, b/c it seems that most of you haven't shed from it


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almost 1 month without a shed on finasteride over here. Don't anticipate I'll ever actually see a full-blown shed. I'm not worried at all about it actually.


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the only thing i would say about minoxidil and summer is dont go straght out in the sun after applying minoxidil or your head will fry