Supplements causing nosebleeds?


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Hi, I'm not totally sure if the supps I take are giving me frequent nosebleeds, I take the following:
-green tea complex(green tea, white tea and rosemary)
-silica complex(silica, calcium, magnesium, zinc, boron and betaine hydrochloride
-brewer's yeast
-L-Arginine, L-ornithine and L-Lysine all in one
-fish oil sometimes, like for a month and then stop for a while..

what's your thoughts? the bleeding usually stops quickly but I can have sometimes two nosebleeds in the same day, during the summer I generally get one once a week, it's very annoying.. help! :x


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Arginine makes you more vascular, or essentially by creating higher levels of Nitric Oxide can cause veins to increase in size. A result of this is higher chance of hemorrhoids, a*** fissures, and nosebleeds.
I'd imagine if you backed off of it and orthinine (also good for increase vascularity) your nose bleeds would lesson to a large degree.


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Well, I stopped taking the arginine about two weeks ago, I suspect the silica complex is also responsible for my nosebleeds, the box says to stop the intake if I plan on having surgery.. btw I just had another nosebleed today (third in two days) :x 1/2hour after taking my supps which include silica. I'm gonna stop it for a while and see what happens, just hope it doesn't have a great impact on my hair...

EDIT: Just for the record had another one a few moments after waking up WTH.. this never happened to me nor even when I used to have nosebleeds when I was younger.


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Well it's not just silica it's silica complex, they put other stuff in it, but I noticed that most supps have stearic acid in the ingredient list which is a fatty acid according to wikipedia and I'm not sure but I think it can make the blood thinner too, like all fatty acids?(I'm not sure about that :? )