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Hey all.

Can anyone give me some advice on what can help my hair from receding any more ?
I cant deal with the side effects from propecia or minoxidil, so i need something that wont give such bad side effects.

Im mainly looking for natural supplements i can take oraly or just apply it in my hair.
I found this thread, but was hoping maybe anyone else have some advice on the matter ?

I do understand there is no real natural cure for this, but i figured i ask if anyone had some success at least.
I think if i can keep what i have now for a few years more, i can finally afford to fix it permantly. Either through a hair transplant or a new cure. (yea right :))

Thanks for any replies in advance and sorry about my english.


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I have no experience of supplements that have helped but im just starting a regimen with lots of them.

My huge experience from lurking is that some supplements can help but most often their effect is not only not huge, if you even get any benefits from it.

Such supplements would be Zinc, curcumin, nettle root extract (said to lower dht), B-vitamins, primarily Biotin, niacin (b3) and pantoten (b5), saw palmetto (could have similar effects like finasteride).
Zinc is said to increase testosterone by inhibiting some DHT.
curcumin have anti-inflammatory effects and lots of other health benefits.
cardiovascular training is said to slow the male pattern baldness process.

I tried propecia myself and suffered severe side effects just after the first dose and I wouldnt recommend it.

I havent tried minoxidil yet but as far as im concerned it is much safer, available over the counter. Just saying this in case you didnt know because i dont want to recommend something I havent tried myself.

Other than that you could look into the main page in this forum where you will see a list of recommended products.

Again, I dont want to force you onto something I havent even tried, this is just from my lurking experience.

Lycka till med behandlingen!


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Nothing of note after almost 6 months

I have no experience of supplements that have helped but im just starting a regimen with lots of them.

My huge experience from lurking is that some supplements can help but most often their effect is not only not huge, if you even get any benefits from it.

Such supplements would be Zinc, curcumin, nettle root extract (said to lower dht), B-vitamins, primarily Biotin, niacin (b3) and pantoten (b5), saw palmetto (could have similar effects like finasteride).
Zinc is said to increase testosterone by inhibiting some DHT.
curcumin have anti-inflammatory effects and lots of other health benefits.
cardiovascular training is said to slow the male pattern baldness process.


Last September I began to notice a tremendous amount of thinning, became concerned and started on all kinds of supplements, nizoral shampoo, argan oil shampoo, etc.
I have adopted everything on your list, and also hu shu wu, pygeum, trace minerals, pumpkin seed oil, fish oil, vit c, vit d, some ginko biloba at times, cayenne pepper supplement, bamboo extract (silica), avocados, you name it, I have been doing it and have been very consistent with it.

I am 42 years old, going on 43 this month and have known my impending doom since the age of about 30, when I first started noticing thinning around the crown of my head. Looking back, I was prematurely panicking. At 30, you couldn't even notice it. I knew it was coming, but it really wasn't that great of a concern yet. From time to time over the years I would look with a mirror at my crown and grimace and knew what the future would bring, but it wasn't until last year when it hit, and hit big. I suppose I noticed my hair thinning more than usual from 40-42, but I thought the handful of vitamins I was taking at the time was helping and was trying something I read online a few years back about running cold, then hot then cold and then hot water over your head to help with circulation in your scalp. I really thought all of this was working and that I was in the clear, having made it to 41 with still a good amount of hair on my head.

But then, last year, I started seeing a startling amount of hair in my shower drain. I didn't think anything of it at first. I took a trip to visit some family last September and had a photo taken with my head down and that's when I realized just what had happened. I could see my scalp.

I thought my odds were pretty good, because my father and his brothers and that side of the family all have hair. But my mother's brother is bald, except for wisp of bangs that he has in the front.

So anyway, that is my story. I haven't tried minoxidil or finasteride yet. I wanted to try every natural thing I have read about to see if it may benefit and was willing to be patient and give it at least a year, because, after all, this has been happening slowly over the course of many years, and I don't expect to see instant results.

The first photo is from Sept of '13 and the second is from today (March '14):



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Well Irion will only work if you have an irion deficiency other than that it is useless
Biotin could me helpful and vitamins