Suppliment Absorbtion


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At the moment i am trying alot of suppliments along with my topical regieme. The only thing is i take them in 2 loads, one set in the morming and one set in the evening. Then the ones i take on an empty stomach at night before bed (on days i can overcome my gag reflex)

Ive noticed about an hour or two after i take each one of my `doses` my piss is really dark green. I assume this is most of the suppliments ive just taken being pissed out, or is this toxins being flushed out? im currently taking 5g of msm a day with 2g of Vit C.

Each one of my doses come to about 15 indavidual caps/pills so thats quite alot in one go. Can my body not absorb them all at once? and if so, does anyone have any advice on the most effective way to absorb all these things? Should i take one or two like every half hour, as this would be really difficult for me to achive during the week.

Also, anyone else had any luck with overcoming a gag reflex, ive tried (and failed) numerous times, ive even tried buying some anestetic spray and numbing the back of my throat, still no luck. All my other suppliemnts i take with a minimal amount of food.


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karlg said:
At the moment i am trying alot of suppliments along with my topical regieme. The only thing is i take them in 2 loads, one set in the morming and one set in the evening. Then the ones i take on an empty stomach at night before bed (on days i can overcome my gag reflex)

Ive noticed about an hour or two after i take each one of my `doses` my piss is really dark green. I assume this is most of the suppliments ive just taken being pissed out, or is this toxins being flushed out? im currently taking 5g of msm a day with 2g of Vit C.

Each one of my doses come to about 15 indavidual caps/pills so thats quite alot in one go. Can my body not absorb them all at once? and if so, does anyone have any advice on the most effective way to absorb all these things? Should i take one or two like every half hour, as this would be really difficult for me to achive during the week.

Also, anyone else had any luck with overcoming a gag reflex, ive tried (and failed) numerous times, ive even tried buying some anestetic spray and numbing the back of my throat, still no luck. All my other suppliemnts i take with a minimal amount of food.

Man are you an alien? Last time you had perspiration problems with MSM now you are pissing green? LOL I take a shitload of supplements in the morning and at night..just like you.. I pop a lot of them but I also drink a lot of water during my intake and all the time during the day.. If I don't do this my piss will pretty much look like I am dehydrated... really yellowish almost orange!!! Just drink a shitload of water.. absorption is not a problem unless something is wrong with you.


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karlg said:
At the moment i am trying alot of suppliments along with my topical regieme. The only thing is i take them in 2 loads, one set in the morming and one set in the evening. Then the ones i take on an empty stomach at night before bed (on days i can overcome my gag reflex)

Ive noticed about an hour or two after i take each one of my `doses` my piss is really dark green. I assume this is most of the suppliments ive just taken being pissed out, or is this toxins being flushed out? im currently taking 5g of msm a day with 2g of Vit C.

Each one of my doses come to about 15 indavidual caps/pills so thats quite alot in one go. Can my body not absorb them all at once? and if so, does anyone have any advice on the most effective way to absorb all these things? Should i take one or two like every half hour, as this would be really difficult for me to achive during the week.

Also, anyone else had any luck with overcoming a gag reflex, ive tried (and failed) numerous times, ive even tried buying some anestetic spray and numbing the back of my throat, still no luck. All my other suppliemnts i take with a minimal amount of food.

Vit. C is worthless by itself and that much is not needed, as for the MSM that dose is a total waste of money, 1 gram is plenty.

So yes, anything your body does not absorbe it will piss right out. Supplements are better taken in smaller doses for longer periods of time rather than higher doses for shorter periods of time.


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karlg said:
Also, anyone else had any luck with overcoming a gag reflex, ive tried (and failed) numerous times, ive even tried buying some anestetic spray and numbing the back of my throat, still no luck. All my other suppliemnts i take with a minimal amount of food.

I don't understand....are you trying to swallow those capsules WHOLE?? Don't do that! Chew them up and swallow them, just like any other food!


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Bryan said:
I don't understand....are you trying to swallow those capsules WHOLE?? Don't do that! Chew them up and swallow them, just like any other food!

This is sarcasm...right? Why should you not swallow them whole? I was always told to never chew these pills, i thought it was bad (+taste disgusting) if you cracked them open. I've never tried it though, always just swallow them.


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big3nme said:
This is sarcasm...right?

This isn't sarcasm. I'm serious as a heart attack.

big3nme said:
Why should you not swallow them whole? I was always told to never chew these pills, i thought it was bad (+taste disgusting) if you cracked them open. I've never tried it though, always just swallow them.

A doctor showed several years ago that supplements (both tablets and capsules) are absorbed more completely if you chew them up before swallowing. Therefore, you should do that with _all_ supplements and medications, with the exception of ones that are specifically designed to be "time-released" (check with your doctor or pharmacist on that, if you have any doubt about which ones are "time-released" versions).


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OP is taking some high doses.


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Bryan said:
big3nme said:
This is sarcasm...right?

This isn't sarcasm. I'm serious as a heart attack.

big3nme said:
Why should you not swallow them whole? I was always told to never chew these pills, i thought it was bad (+taste disgusting) if you cracked them open. I've never tried it though, always just swallow them.

A doctor showed several years ago that supplements (both tablets and capsules) are absorbed more completely if you chew them up before swallowing. Therefore, you should do that with _all_ supplements and medications, with the exception of ones that are specifically designed to be "time-released" (check with your doctor or pharmacist on that, if you have any doubt about which ones are "time-released" versions).

Are you sure?? I have always swallowed all my supplements without chewing them. So basically the Vitamin A capsule which is really small is worth chewing to help it get absorbed in the body :S

I'm so confused now you have mentioned that.


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Natwraggie said:
Are you sure?? I have always swallowed all my supplements without chewing them.

I bet you've done LOTS of things in your life which weren't always the best things things for you to do! :)

Natwraggie said:
So basically the Vitamin A capsule which is really small is worth chewing to help it get absorbed in the body :S

I'm so confused now you have mentioned that.

I would imagine that it's probably not _quite_ as important to chew-up things like vitamin A, D, and E capsules, even though the doctor I mentioned in my previous post did claim that even the absorption of gelatin capsules was improved by doing that. What I'm mainly referring to (just as one example) is something like the Bluebonnet magnesium citrate tablets that I take. Those things are big and HARD! It astonishes me that anybody would (1) go to all the trouble of swallowing whole a horse-pill like that; or (2) trust it to break down and be absorbed completely, if they DO swallow it whole. Why go to so much work, and take such a big chance? Just chew them up, like you would do with any other food!


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Bryan, why most supplements right now on the market are enteric coated to prevent release of them before they reach the intestine? :dunno: and chewing them is better? euh


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I'm not going to simply trust the word of some supplement maker who claims that such supplements have to be "protected" against stomach acid. "Buy _my_ products! They're enteric coated!" :)


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squeegee said:
Bryan, why most supplements right now on the market are enteric coated to prevent release of them before they reach the intestine? :dunno: and chewing them is better? euh

Here is a very quick any easy way to stop all the stupidity. Simply place your cap or tab in a glass of water which has a much lowever pH than your stomach acid and see if it full breaks down or not.

If it breaks down in water then it is 100% breaking down in the stomach.


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purecontrol said:
Simply place your cap or tab in a glass of water which has a much lowever pH than your stomach acid and see if it full breaks down or not.

Actually, water has a much higher pH than stomach acid! :smack:

purecontrol said:
If it breaks down in water then it is 100% breaking down in the stomach.

I guess you haven't heard that story I've told several times in the past on these forums: my mother had been taking a prescription medication tablet (I believe it was to control her blood pressure), and she was shocked one day to see that it had passed all the way through her INTACT! She called my father into the bathroom to take a look, and he verified it. She immediately called the pharmacist at the drugstore where she had bought the medicine to tell him about it, and he was SHOCKED to hear that, claiming that he had never heard of such a thing!

Now can you understand why I tell people to chew-up their medications and supplements, prior to swallowing? :)