Surgeons In Europe Offering Unshaven Recipient Area Transplants?


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Hi, guys. Hope this is the right place.

I'm 33 - started losing my hair (noticable) about 1.5 years ago.

It's thinner everywhere, although teh areas taht are get VERY sparse are teh corners of the hairline. I'm getting that vampire look.

I want a transplant to fill them areas in and *possibly* slightly rebuild the hairline in them areas.

I gather i'd need about 2000 grafts

The issue is that I want to be as discreet as possible and so would like to be able to not shave the recipient area. (donor area is already very short so that's a non-issue)

However, I've only foud 1 surgeron so far, and he's in belgium and is very expesive.

I'm wondering if any people know of any other places who offer this? I'm in the UK, but would ideally like surgeons based in Hungary, Poland, Turkey etc as im no rich (UK prices are outrageous)

thanks for any help!!


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Im in the same boat as you, just wondering did you find any place doing the surgery without shaving.


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Im in the same boat as you, just wondering did you find any place doing the surgery without shaving.
I found someone in Hungary but I don't want to just jump straight in.
I can't afford a 'top' surgeon, but I was hoping to at least find someone with good revuews on this forum who is affordable, in Europe, and can offer what I want

Any luck on your end in the search?

Lets combine our search skills! :0)


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I’ve just got back from Turkey had 2400 grafts done with ASMED Dr Koray Erdogan, the whole process from start to finish was excellent. 3 Euro per graft unshaven.


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I’ve just got back from Turkey had 2400 grafts done with ASMED Dr Koray Erdogan, the whole process from start to finish was excellent. 3 Euro per graft unshaven.
how much $$$?
Yes, Turkey is one place where I imagine there are lots of fairly affordable and talented surgeons. It's certainly not top of my list in terms of palces to visit, but I guess i'll have to keep it in mind


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My Regimen
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I paid 3 Euro per graft and had 2400 grafts so 7200 euros

Honestly Istanbul is safe as houses, loads of security at airport. It’s northern Turkey, nowhere near Syria.
how much in total i mean ticket hotel food etc


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Erm I booked the flights back in April think they were around £140

Turkish Airlines is the best airline I’ve ever flown with free food and drink on the flight it was like flying business class it was great.

Asmed provide accommodation for 2 nights but I needed 3 nights so they ask you whether you want a single room for 80 euros or a double for 130 I said a single will do but when I got there it was a double room and only had to pay 80. The hotel was one of the nicest I’ve stayed in aswell.

The whole experience was great, I was worried about the injections as I’d heard some horror stories and I tend to over think things, but they were a breeze, they gave me Xanax to take night before operation to help me sleep and relax my nerves and 1 to take first thing in the morning. I went into the operation not nervous at all.

The Anaesatist puts an IV drip in your arm with a pain killer drip, it must have worked as the injections weren’t bad at all.

They give you an iPad to watch films on, and food and drink whenever you want, you really are well looked after.

The whole day went really quick, I actually fell asleep for about 2 hours. There was minimum pain the following days aswell.

If you can afford it definitely go there can’t explain how good the experience was from start to finish.
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