Swear Transplant


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Another shining example of UK work.
Nice to see how much sympathy people give him in the comments section too.


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lol SAF, I knew you would be the first to comment on this (and almost the exact wording I expected too).


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Yeh it says wanker. Saw this as I was flicking through The Sun at work (which I did not buy btw!!)

Don't get why he doesn't sue, just cos the clinic is shut down? I'm sure he'd still have a civil case against the individual. Though I suppose suing an individual will get you less cash. Still I think I'd want the bastard to pay.

I do wonder if the surgeon thought about it being permanent, or whether he was just dicking about and maybe took a cheeky photo at the time to show off to his mates before covering it up.


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If he had a transplant, where are the grafts? I just see a Norwood 6/7. Also, it said "But the word was hidden by the new locks he implanted." So you mean to tell me the word was carved in the donor area and then covered by hair from the recipient area? How is that possible unless the hair was placed right back into the donor area? I'm very confused.


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It's just sh*t reporting from the Sun as usual.

He's still a NW7 because he had his hair transplant done by a UK butcher, so he only would have ended up with a few dodgy 80's style "plugs" on the temples anyway. Probably he was a NW4 at the time, not on finasteride, and the rest receded away anyway. Some UK hair transplant's really are this bad - laughably bad. You go from bald to having literally ~100 hairs randomly scattered on top.
You can see in his second picture some "bits" on top.

The word WANKER (you can barely make it out the scarring is so bad) is on his left side donor area, the Sun has just gotten confused as it always does. They either think hair transplants give you back a perfect NW1 4" long a week after surgery, or that people would actually pay for ANY hair even if it is a strip round the sides. (it's like when they write about IT subjects, they get the terminology laughably wrong and show a complete lack of knowledge). The writers in UK tabloids are probably as bad as UK hair transplant docs tbh.

The donor just grew out as normal and covered it up. If you look at the bottom bit of shaved hair you can see further FUE scarring. Was the punch size an inch in diameter? Butchery.


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cuebald said:
It's just sh*t reporting from the Sun as usual.

He's still a NW7 because he had his hair transplant done by a UK butcher, so he only would have ended up with a few dodgy 80's style "plugs" on the temples anyway. Probably he was a NW4 at the time, not on finasteride, and the rest receded away anyway. Some UK hair transplant's really are this bad - laughably bad. You go from bald to having literally ~100 hairs randomly scattered on top.
You can see in his second picture some "bits" on top.

The word WANKER (you can barely make it out the scarring is so bad) is on his left side donor area, the Sun has just gotten confused as it always does. They either think hair transplants give you back a perfect NW1 4" long a week after surgery, or that people would actually pay for ANY hair even if it is a strip round the sides. (it's like when they write about IT subjects, they get the terminology laughably wrong and show a complete lack of knowledge). The writers in UK tabloids are probably as bad as UK hair transplant docs tbh.

The donor just grew out as normal and covered it up. If you look at the bottom bit of shaved hair you can see further FUE scarring. Was the punch size an inch in diameter? Butchery.

Why are you commenting on a twenty year old procedure as if it's an example of current hair transplant?


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There are some places in the UK still performing mini graft surgery. Even scalp reductions.


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I'm sure there are crappy surgeons in every country in the world; the constant UK bashing is misleading and tedious.


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Why is it all the spectacularly bad results on the net seem to come from UK doctors? Surely it's not just because we're the best at complaining ?


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cuebald said:
Why is it all the spectacularly bad results on the net seem to come from UK doctors? Surely it's not just because we're the best at complaining ?

Do they?

Sure I see lots of sheep repeating the same nonsense that all UK surgeons are baaaaaaad (see what I did there?), but the actual horror stories which are not simply shillcrap seem to be spread all over the world.