Sweet!!! Sprouting new hairs!!!


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Awww dude,

Propecia is a freaking miracle drug.

I've only been on it for 5 months and I've already sprouted 4 new follicles around my hairline!!!

Dude, this is sooooooo sweet. Four, count them, one, two, three, four new hairs!!!!! Not one, not just two, not even three but four, motherfreakin' four new hairs!!!!!!!!

Awww yeah!!!!!!!!

All I want for Christmas is four new hairs, four new hairs, oh yeah four new hairs!!!!! Sing it with me!!!!!

And the ABSOLUTE BEST thing is that these four new hairs don't blend in with my hairline. They're like a centimeter IN FRONT of my hairline so EVERYBODY can notice them!!!!!!!!! Sweet!!!!!!!!!!!

Propecia is AWESOME!!!!!! It's the miracle we hair loss sufferers have been waiting for.

God guys, if I can come back here in ten months with eight new hairs I will be sooooooo happy.

I would just like to take this time to thank Merck for spending the millions that they spend to promote this drug. It has changed my life. I'm starting to tear up guys.


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You know Tynan, I've never actually thought about that.

But now that I think about it that's a great idea.

And you know what?

You've really had a huge effect on me so in your honor I'm going to name one Tynan. Another one I'll name Deaner. The third Gardener. The last one I think I'm going to call Piece of sh*t. Because that's what I always call him. Actually, I call him Stupid f*****g Piece of sh*t Hair.


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ha... congrats man, its so nice to hear people happy with their results, it sounds like you have a really good attitude about this whole thing and i think that's probably THE biggest obstacle in hairloss. i'm definitely in your boat with the hairs a centimeter in front of the hairline, they look stupid when they start growing over a half inch so i have to pull them out :-( but it sounds like you have grown too attached to them to even think of pulling them out. i hope regrowth like this means good long term results, if so, me and you will be alright i think :hairy:


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k, pulling out your regrowth is the stupidest thing you can do. If they're really unsightly, you tried shaving them?


If hairs sprout throughout the scalp in a fairly random pattern guess which ones you will spot?

That's right the little fellas at the front,

there may be many more 'Deaners and Tynans' beyond the hairline.

Now there's a film title if ever I heard one...

beyond the hairline

someone get me Hasslehoff's number....


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yeah pulling them out wasn't one of my better ideas in life, they were just annoying and i didn't feel like going upstairs and getting a razor. Plus i use that razor to shave my back, shoulders, and to shape my moustache so i didn't want to use it on my head.


Trent8 said:
Plus i use that razor to shave my back, shoulders, and to shape my moustache so i didn't want to use it on my head.

this can only lead to one question.....

...where is your moustache ? :freaked2:


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ha. well considering i can hardly even grow facial hair....

ps. i'm gonna need another one of those alpha male gorilla stories again, i'm getting bored as hell studying.