Switched from gel to pomade, it's interesting


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Recently I made the switch from alcohol-free Loreal 'Clean' hair gel, to Murray's 'Hair-Glo' wax-free light pomade w/ coconut oil and lanolin.

I used it for the first time tonight. I have thinning on my crown/vertex, with a nice hairline still so I simply like to slick back my dark Italian course hair, greaser style.

I found tonight that the hold on the light pomade isn't as much as I need, but otherwise it looks super shiny and clean overall. No hard 'shell' like with gel which is a plus.

Then when I got home, I took a shower and shampooed my hair.. only to find that the pomade stays in afterwards and it is just 'nice' now... not weighed-down or anything, I could go out like this (which I usually couldn't do before without gel, otherwise I'd have wolfman hair).. but now after hours of having the pomade in, hair looks really healthy!

I only wonder if it's 'bad' for the scalp to have this stuff in your hair for awhile.. cause I don't think it's gonna ever wash out it seems to be 'part' of my hair... very conditioning I suspect. ;p

I now want to try a more heavier hold formula of the Murray's pomade product, for better hold cause in my thin areas I may have to add a little gel to my finger tips, in order to keep the hairs from making that 'part' and showing thinning.. when there is good hair coverage all looks well. (on my 4th month of Propecia now).



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Try to apply it just to the hair and you should be fine. I dont think these things affect hair loss. Honestly the only concern about external things causing hair loss, is usually in the case that it damages the skin so much that hairs are destroyed. If anything ever gets to that point, you'll know it. You wont be wondering :)


not me!

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I agree. Pomade is kind of like a wax in that respect that it seems to repel water. I use American Crew pomade and I am all about it.


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Hell yeah man I read you should try Murray's brands ( murrayspomade.com ) if you already like American Crew... many stylists agree that Murray's is the best... plus they have been around for a hundred years and come in cool cans ;)

Anyway, I love the softness of my hair right now, even though it's bedhead and unstyled.

I just want this Propecia to start bulking up the thinning in my crown area.. but I'm only in month 4, patience, patience..



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So all I've been using lately is pomade.

I love how after I shampoo it out at night, it leaves my hair very manageable and soft...

I'm a greaser, so I don't have any issues with having a greasy head of hair all day. ;)

I know the coconut oil & lanolin in the Murray's I use is helping my hair though, very very conditioning to each strand !


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I bought a can of murray's pomade (the orange can), and found out it was NOT what I wanted to use. I guess its got beeswax in it and it took a week and a half before it washed out completely--and I was using dishwashing liquid and corn starch to get that gunk out. I guess you're supposed to just leave the stuff in indefinetly. I suppose the 'wax free' kind wouldn't be quite that bad.


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Yup the original Murray's is hardcore... that's mad grease!

What I'm using is much lighter and shinier without the gunk build up... as a matter of fact it does become a 'part' of your hair.. until you do finally decide to wash it out..

But with this Murray's 'Hair-Glo' that I'm using, I find I enjoy the conditioned texture after my shower and shampoo.. it basically makes my hair easy to style without making it hard.. granted I said I'm a greaser so it's definately a plus for me ;)

I do enjoy the 1950's style slick-backs and what not hairstyles...


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Personally I do the messy look and I find that pomade does not cut it. I have used so many things to get the look that I want to no avail. I think pomade is great for other uses just not for the messy look. My girlfriend who is a cosmo got me this stuff that is selled by matrix and it is called Trix. This stuff is great, I put some on my hands and rub through and it stays exactly how I put it in, so I do not have to worry about it falling down.


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Cool I shall check out the Trix stuff to see how I can change my style up a bit..

But like I said, I'm a greaser and I slick my sh*t back old school style... so far so good with the pomade.

If I switcho-change-o... then I shall check out some other potions and see if they work to my avail.
