Switched From Propecia To Generic And Then Back


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This is what happened to me, please if you read this and can add ANYTHING - let me know.

- 5 years on Propecia pretty much kept my hair (or slowed down the hair loss).

- Due to shortage at the Pharmacy and lower cost I (sadly) switched to Generic (Teva Pharms) for 4 months.
After a month I experienced a lot of hair falling.

- After 4 months of the Generic, I switched back to the original Propecia but the hair kept on falling for months.

- Now It's been 13 months since I'm back on the original. I think most of the time I kept losing hair (maybe sometimes it stopped for a bit). But now I still lose hair and you can see the scalp (horseshoe).

So obviously I'm very sad.

My question is:
Do you guys think I can have my hair regrow after 13 months being back on the Original?

If you know from experience of you or other people that you know - please leave a comment.

Thanks in advance,


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Well, for me, generic finasteride is just as good as propecia. I have used both. They have the same effect.
Where did you buy your generic? Trustable pharmacy?
When we lose our hair, we tend (me included) to blame our actions. I don't think you made any mistake. Put very simply, at a certain point your scalp became more sensitive to DHT and finasteride could not help anymore. The generic switch was a coincidence. Proof of this is that 13 months back on brand name did not help.


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Well, for me, generic finasteride is just as good as propecia. I have used both. They have the same effect.
Where did you buy your generic? Trustable pharmacy?
When we lose our hair, we tend (me included) to blame our actions. I don't think you made any mistake. Put very simply, at a certain point your scalp became more sensitive to DHT and finasteride could not help anymore. The generic switch was a coincidence. Proof of this is that 13 months back on brand name did not help.

Hey Roberto! I am looking to the part D of your regimen. For how long do you use it ? Do you think it is effective ? Who produce it, your derm ?


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Hey Roberto! I am looking to the part D of your regimen. For how long do you use it ? Do you think it is effective ? Who produce it, your derm ?
The dermatologist does a prescription that a specialized pharmacy prepares in 6 month batches.
Local anti androgens (custom or mass-products: for instance Alpicort) are a good way to try to maintain your temples. I think they work but, as everything related to hairloss, you have to insist for months and not expect miracles but little and slow improvements...


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The dermatologist does a prescription that a specialized pharmacy prepares in 6 month batches.
Local anti androgens (custom or mass-products: for instance Alpicort) are a good way to try to maintain your temples. I think they work but, as everything related to hairloss, you have to insist for months and not expect miracles but little and slow improvements...

Hey Roberto,

Firstly thank you for your quick answer. That is really kind.

I would love to try that, I had very good results with Dutasteride but my hairloss is agressive so the more weapons I have the best.
I think that if your doctor prescribe that it must have some studies to back up this.
These are the best component to fight hairloss, as seen on anti-dhtor but it is too dangerous to take oral.

Do you think there is any way I can either do this formulation myself or buy it online ? I am based in Belgium.

Warm regards


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Hey Roberto,

Do you think there is any way I can either do this formulation myself or buy it online ? I am based in Belgium.

Can you get meds from Germany?
Alpicort-F is made there by the Dr. August Wolff company.

It's sold online by at least one company based in the EU but if you can buy it locally in Belgium that would be more convenient for you.

@whatevr has had excellent results with it in his thread here: https://www.hairlosstalk.com/intera...le-pattern-baldness-and-chew-bubblegum.101353

And as to the really powerful oral anti-androgens and hormones, if you are a cisgendered man, you definitely do not want to risk taking those since they will radically alter your body in ways you would not like.


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Can you get meds from Germany?
Alpicort-F is made there by the Dr. August Wolff company.

It's sold online by at least one company based in the EU but if you can buy it locally in Belgium that would be more convenient for you.

@whatevr has had excellent results with it in his thread here: https://www.hairlosstalk.com/intera...le-pattern-baldness-and-chew-bubblegum.101353

And as to the really powerful oral anti-androgens and hormones, if you are a cisgendered man, you definitely do not want to risk taking those since they will radically alter your body in ways you would not like.

HI Rubi,

Thank you, for the informatioN


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Well, for me, generic finasteride is just as good as propecia. I have used both. They have the same effect.
Where did you buy your generic? Trustable pharmacy?
When we lose our hair, we tend (me included) to blame our actions. I don't think you made any mistake. Put very simply, at a certain point your scalp became more sensitive to DHT and finasteride could not help anymore. The generic switch was a coincidence. Proof of this is that 13 months back on brand name did not help.

Yes, Teva Phars which are known to be good.
Thanks for your reply, I hope I can still regain at least something.
I heard of people regaining their hair even after 18 months, but not sure about original/generic/original case...


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This is what happened to me, please if you read this and can add ANYTHING - let me know.

- 5 years on Propecia pretty much kept my hair (or slowed down the hair loss).

- Due to shortage at the Pharmacy and lower cost I (sadly) switched to Generic (Teva Pharms) for 4 months.
After a month I experienced a lot of hair falling.

- After 4 months of the Generic, I switched back to the original Propecia but the hair kept on falling for months.

- Now It's been 13 months since I'm back on the original. I think most of the time I kept losing hair (maybe sometimes it stopped for a bit). But now I still lose hair and you can see the scalp (horseshoe).

So obviously I'm very sad.

My question is:
Do you guys think I can have my hair regrow after 13 months being back on the Original?

If you know from experience of you or other people that you know - please leave a comment.

Thanks in advance,
this is why i will only take proscar. Or i guess propecia if i had to. But never a generic. Ive seen to many stories like this. I would think your hair could grow back, did it just shed quickly or did you have miniaturization and overall weakened hair throughout the year on generics?


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Yes, to anyone that I would ask me (or anyone reading this), I strongly recommend don't mess with it and don't go for generic.
Just for the chance that it won't work, I think there is too much to risk (in my opinion).

Not a year on generics. I was on the generics for 4 months and then switched back to Propecia.
Now I'm 13 months since being back on it.
Honestly I am not completely sure but I think it was just hair falling a lot more (in several lengthy cycles).


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I remember Joe Tillman commenting years ago on another forum that many H&W patients had poor results after switching from Propecia to generics. An explanation given by a pharmacist was that generics are not necessarily the same thing( I can't remember the exact arguments).
I prefer to stick with brand Propecia even if it is more expensive.


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I remember Joe Tillman commenting years ago on another forum that many H&W patients had poor results after switching from Propecia to generics. An explanation given by a pharmacist was that generics are not necessarily the same thing( I can't remember the exact arguments).
I prefer to stick with brand Propecia even if it is more expensive.

Yes. Worst mistake of my life :(
I hope somehow everyone would know this.....

One explanation I remember reading is that even though the active ingredients are the same, the inactive ingredients are different and the body dissolves/absorbs/digests it differently and that may be the problem.
I probably don't remember the explanation/theory very well, but if it has some truth in it or not - the fact is that it caused me and many others this problem.


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I used both of them no change. The problem is finasteride has lost his effectiveness for you (or less effective).
Therefore we should stop taking it time to time (maybe 1 week every month).

But if you think you are right, then we can consider you 4 month not taking finasteride (because of generic), that also means if you start finasteride again, it should have the same effect as before. That was not the case.

I myself dont take finasteride anymore.


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I used both of them no change. The problem is finasteride has lost his effectiveness for you (or less effective).
Therefore we should stop taking it time to time (maybe 1 week every month).

But if you think you are right, then we can consider you 4 month not taking finasteride (because of generic), that also means if you start finasteride again, it should have the same effect as before. That was not the case.

I myself dont take finasteride anymore.

Thanks for your comment.
For some people finasteride takes 18 months to have a regrowth.
Maybe even when I restart taking it, it takes the same time as if I started from scratch, so I might still have a chance for a regrowth?
I'm currently 15 months since starting to take it again. Also started using Nizoral 3x week