switching from generic minoxidil to xandrox?


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hi i have use the big 3 (generic minoxidil,propecia and nizoral) for over a year, my frontal and temple are getting worse, and i have to visit my native country in about 4 month (which it would be really embarrasing since the last time i went i had a head full of hair) i know hairloss is ineverable, but it can be control, and maintain has long has u keep using proven product and u are a good reponder.

now, my question, has any one that have use generic minoxidil (kirkland or other brand) and have switch to xandrox have seen better improvement?

i also ordered spironolactone for my frontal, and this is just another question. have u seen any improvement after adding spironolactone 5% to your regimen?

thanx and please reply


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Eduard - key question here: Do you have any irritation or inflammation or any itching on your scalp? If so, that may be the source of your lack of results. Kirkland rogaine for many guys has caused irritation which can be detrimental to success. You may wish to switch to another brand of Rogaine before trying xandrox. Sprio will only help.

You may also consider just adding Tricomin as an additional growth stimulant. It works well in conjunction with Rogaine. No conflicts.



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HairlossTalk said:
Eduard - key question here: Do you have any irritation or inflammation or any itching on your scalp? If so, that may be the source of your lack of results. Kirkland rogaine for many guys has caused irritation which can be detrimental to success. You may wish to switch to another brand of Rogaine before trying xandrox. Sprio will only help.

You may also consider just adding Tricomin as an additional growth stimulant. It works well in conjunction with Rogaine. No conflicts.


i get skin irritation, not inflamation, itching all day none stop and flake, when i apply minoxidil my hair turn gray like i just past next to a construction site where they were diging a hole and all the dust got in my hair (that's when minoxidil dry) if i scratch my head, a lot of flake would come out. i order xandrox without ppg, which i heard ppg is the cause for most people irritation, i'll use it for a week, and if my irritation stop then i'll have to use that.