Switching My Dermaroller To The New Adjustable Dermastamp


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Part of my original rolling routine was to do 0.5mm M/W/F to help aid with Minoxidil absorption but now that I've removed Minoxidil I've needed a good alternative. Wounding/neogenesis seems to be all the rage these days so I thought I'd grab one of the fancy new adjustable stamps.

What I'm looking for is advice on topicals to apply before or after, what length I should be stabbing myself at, how often at said length, or any other helpful information that can help me maximize this experiment. I was thinking of doing castor oil before or after as a PGE2 agonist along with the wounding to really stimulate the follicles. Any other recommendations?

Thanks fam


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I'm not saying they work, but currently I dermaroll 1.0 every 2 weeks, and at the interim of the two weeks I use the .5. Make sense? So on a month basis:
Week 1: 1.0mm Roll
Week 2: .5mm
Week 3: 1.0mm Roll
Week 4: .5

And so on.

For my topical, I use a niacin, caffeine, and vitamin D mix. Do not ask me if this works because it is too early to tell.
Also have been injecting PRP that I do at home. If I get results, I will post a whole protocol, but I stay far away from anti-androgens.
bearded i like this regime only thing diff i do u can go deeper with wounding i do 1.5mm every week and apply castor emu oil mix strait after rolleing.
and only other thing is this new valproic acid angle


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bearded i like this regime only thing diff i do u can go deeper with wounding i do 1.5mm every week and apply castor emu oil mix strait after rolleing.
and only other thing is this new valproic acid angle

I was thinking of something similar to yours. How long have you been doing it and have you received any results?


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I was thinking of something similar to yours. How long have you been doing it and have you received any results?
bearded 1mm is only for absorption 1.5mm or more may also get neogenesis.
if ur going to the effort their is not much more pain. the healing does take a little longer. but for me 1mm roller next day is as if i did nothing ! i.e not enough wound effect.

i have also added cetrizine to half my scalp as well.

so far so good... after 1 month my hair on sides and back is definetly seems to growing thicker and faster... top hard to tell so far if any solid gains but its too early yet. scalp and hair does seem better though.

im also adding like bearded vit d.. i put it in my castor peppermint emu oil mix strait after the dermarolling. only extra thing i want to add sometime is VPA.

i dont use finasterdine or minoxidil


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Part of my original rolling routine was to do 0.5mm M/W/F to help aid with Minoxidil absorption but now that I've removed Minoxidil I've needed a good alternative. Wounding/neogenesis seems to be all the rage these days so I thought I'd grab one of the fancy new adjustable stamps.

What I'm looking for is advice on topicals to apply before or after, what length I should be stabbing myself at, how often at said length, or any other helpful information that can help me maximize this experiment. I was thinking of doing castor oil before or after as a PGE2 agonist along with the wounding to really stimulate the follicles. Any other recommendations?

Thanks fam

Why are you dropping minoxidil?


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Why are you dropping minoxidil?

Did ~6 months with no results. I feel with how minoxidil works, the primary use of it should be regrowth. Just not keen on using a growth stimulant for maintenance, especially since the graphs show a drop below baseline after just a few years. For some it works and within the first 6 months they see buds sprouting up so I see the merit in using it. Since I saw no cosmetic difference, it's been tossed.


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Did ~6 months with no results. I feel with how minoxidil works, the primary use of it should be regrowth. Just not keen on using a growth stimulant for maintenance, especially since the graphs show a drop below baseline after just a few years. For some it works and within the first 6 months they see buds sprouting up so I see the merit in using it. Since I saw no cosmetic difference, it's been tossed.
So you recommend me starting dermastamping 1,5mm once a week + castor oil after wounding to thicken up the bellus hairs i i have on my temples and hairline?


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So you recommend me starting dermastamping 1,5mm once a week + castor oil after wounding to thicken up the bellus hairs i i have on my temples and hairline?
I think it's a good addition to a routine. I'm about to start stamping at 2mm every week. I've worked myself up from 0.5mm. The wounds heal surprisingly fast. Anyone that thinks once a week is too often would have to convince me not too because my microwounds are all but gone by the next morning.


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I have been using Derminator over the last 3 months at 2mm (up from 0.5 over the last 2 years) with no numbing cream or any topicals other than a good wash before the micro-needling. I do 2mm weekly, and as mentioned above the wounds heal rather quickly, so weekly application is no problems.
I have been on the Finasteride+minoxidil combo over the last 2.5 years and still going, so micro-needling was an addition to the regime. As I had already max'd out the benefits of Finasteride with some minor success, I figured I needed to try properly wounding (as opposed to just increasing absorption). So far there has been no noticeable gain, but I like how it's keeping my scalp clean and free from itching (except some minor itching during recovery from wounding). I shall keep up this weekly routine.


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I have been using Derminator over the last 3 months at 2mm (up from 0.5 over the last 2 years) with no numbing cream or any topicals other than a good wash before the micro-needling. I do 2mm weekly, and as mentioned above the wounds heal rather quickly, so weekly application is no problems.
I have been on the Finasteride+minoxidil combo over the last 2.5 years and still going, so micro-needling was an addition to the regime. As I had already max'd out the benefits of Finasteride with some minor success, I figured I needed to try properly wounding (as opposed to just increasing absorption). So far there has been no noticeable gain, but I like how it's keeping my scalp clean and free from itching (except some minor itching during recovery from wounding). I shall keep up this weekly routine.

i too have notice dermarolling anti itch effect last max 4 days and this matches with the pge2 boost it gives on the chart.. hence im thinking once a week is not enough maybe every 2 days mild 1 or 1.5 mm rolling is better than once a week ?


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i too have notice dermarolling anti itch effect last max 4 days and this matches with the pge2 boost it gives on the chart.. hence im thinking once a week is not enough maybe every 2 days mild 1 or 1.5 mm rolling is better than once a week ?
I need to read into the PGE2 boost angle a bit more, but I would think micro-needling could not do harm unless the scalp becomes infected, or if the depth of penetration is so deep that it causes a similar effect as hair transplant causing shock loss ?
I don't see why we couldn't just do it as frequently as your scalp can handle.
I'm also thinking about giving up Minoxidil, as Im pretty certain the majority of the gain I had was mainly due to Finasteride anyway...and it could be beneficial to explore the neogenesis/collagen/PGE2 route instead, which seems to be negatively impacted by Finasteride.


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yeah thinking same exactly how much scalp can handle... some people got great results with 1.5mm dail rolling lightly with other things... i wounder what that could do alone with topical castor and cetrizine instead of propecia and minoxidil is what i will try.. also uv and topical vit d on scalp


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I need to read into the PGE2 boost angle a bit more, but I would think micro-needling could not do harm unless the scalp becomes infected, or if the depth of penetration is so deep that it causes a similar effect as hair transplant causing shock loss ?
I don't see why we couldn't just do it as frequently as your scalp can handle.
I'm also thinking about giving up Minoxidil, as Im pretty certain the majority of the gain I had was mainly due to Finasteride anyway...and it could be beneficial to explore the neogenesis/collagen/PGE2 route instead, which seems to be negatively impacted by Finasteride.

It's funny you mentioned that because those were my thoughts too. From my observation, microneedling is a great way to cause an explosion of little velus hair growth but they tend to fall out before they reach any significant length. I've found that the small velus hairs fall out after only a week or so following the wounding. I'm thinking of doing 2.5mm twice a week to see if I an get them to go terminal. As long as no shock loss happens I think it's totally plausible to see some minor gains.


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It's funny you mentioned that because those were my thoughts too. From my observation, microneedling is a great way to cause an explosion of little velus hair growth but they tend to fall out before they reach any significant length. I've found that the small velus hairs fall out after only a week or so following the wounding. I'm thinking of doing 2.5mm twice a week to see if I an get them to go terminal. As long as no shock loss happens I think it's totally plausible to see some minor gains.

Interesting.I wear my hair long, and constantly have these very sparsely spaced <1cm vellus hair in the temple region anyway and I have no idea if they ever get better/worse....but they never reach any visible length. I've pretty much come to the conclusion that nothing will make them become terminal...but please prove me wrong with your wounding.
2.5mm is pretty harsh though, even with once a week. I do wonder if it's a good thing that the scalp tissue is always at a state of recovery from wounding, or do we need to let it heal a little....