Wanted to reach out to any of you that are more experienced in the science of all this. Several years ago I tested indomethacin topically all over my scalp. Within 2 days my shedding had been reduced 95%. It had virtually stopped. Needless to say I was ecstatic.
Unfortunately over the next week and a half I began to get scalp irritation. It was a Non-Stop itch that only affected the back of my head. Not only that after about 3 weeks on it my hair seem to be getting lighter and thinner.
I was hoping someone on this forum can explain why it works so well to stop the loss but didn't seem to help the thickness or to keep my hair dark. Iron dragon no longer sells that product.
I believe indomethacin was the only thing I've ever tried that halted hair loss almost instantly. It's just those damn side effects were the only reason I stopped.
Does anybody know how indomethacin causes hair loss to stop?
Does anyone know by what mechanism it causes hair to look worse and get thin?
And finally does anyone know of any other substance that would produce indomethacin like effects but maybe not cause such harm to existing hair or to the scalp?
I'd really like to try it again because I feel it would help me retain my hair but I just need to know why was weakening the hair at the same time so that maybe I can counter balance that effect with something else.
Please if anyone has any personal stories on indomethacin or suggestions on its use reply to this thread so I can understand more of what was going on. Thank you
Unfortunately over the next week and a half I began to get scalp irritation. It was a Non-Stop itch that only affected the back of my head. Not only that after about 3 weeks on it my hair seem to be getting lighter and thinner.
I was hoping someone on this forum can explain why it works so well to stop the loss but didn't seem to help the thickness or to keep my hair dark. Iron dragon no longer sells that product.
I believe indomethacin was the only thing I've ever tried that halted hair loss almost instantly. It's just those damn side effects were the only reason I stopped.
Does anybody know how indomethacin causes hair loss to stop?
Does anyone know by what mechanism it causes hair to look worse and get thin?
And finally does anyone know of any other substance that would produce indomethacin like effects but maybe not cause such harm to existing hair or to the scalp?
I'd really like to try it again because I feel it would help me retain my hair but I just need to know why was weakening the hair at the same time so that maybe I can counter balance that effect with something else.
Please if anyone has any personal stories on indomethacin or suggestions on its use reply to this thread so I can understand more of what was going on. Thank you