Synchronized shedding and finasteride


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Someone want to explain how this works and if it's a bad sign or good sign?

I noticed after going on propecia my hair shedded massively in the first month. Then months 2 and 3 nothing happened. Around the end of month 3 I had a huge shed but around the middle of month 5 my hair looked better. Then a major shed happened at the end of month 5 in which I hought I was getting worse but at the middle of month 7 my hair looked massively better. Now I started shedding heavy again at the end of month 7 and I guess my hair will look really good in the middle of month 9.

So is my hair destined to follow this cycle forever in till finasteride stops being as effective or will it eventually even out to wear the sheds stop being as cosmetically noticable?


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Obsidian my hair still has synchronized shedding and I have been on Propecia for 3 years. However, I think its not has bad as it used to be. Right now my hair is doing its best in months. I don't know if its just because I have gone back to minoxidil twice per day or not. Usually my hair looks its best from February to March and then it starts to look thinner. The summer is where it looks the worse. Most likely the humidity here in Florida just makes it look crappy too. If my hair can stay pretty much like it is now, then I will know minoxidil is definitely helping me the most. However, as I said before to you, at around the 8 months of starting Propecia for the first time is when my hair went downhill and it had some ups and downs but never back to baseline.


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Well, I guess i'll see if my hair continues to get better or slowly starts going downhill from his point on.


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For those of you who have been on a treatment for a while now, and have experienced the process of shedding, would you say that it's worth it? Going through all that shedding in exchange for quality hair? I'm assuming many of you have gained some quality hair meanwhile?


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Yes, I would say so because my hair quality/thickness has improved for the most part. The sheds do get scary but you just have to ride it out and know that your hair is going to better off one year from now than say it would be one year from now without treatments.